Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics

Sounds like someone’s making the data fit an agenda…

Seriously, how can dropping speed limits by up to 40% only increase the time by 0.012% (15 seconds increase in 1200 seconds travelled).

Does anyone seriously believe this? Data seems to say nobody’s doing the new speed limits 🤣

And so then increasing average speed by 0.012% again is somehow going to increase the road toll by 30% on those same roads?

Sorry, no credibility. Scrap the lower speed limits and get the country moving again.
Promoting death and injury on the roads over safety to fit your culture war narrative Wiz. Good morning.
Just back from a road trip through the South Waikato and Auckland. Have to say the condition of our roads is appalling and the stretch on the expressway north of Hamilton is a disgrace. There's a major contributor to productivity (lack of) staring us in the face.

And don't get me started on cones.
I've brought this up a few times. Since it has opened I've only been on that stretch of road a few times where it hasn't had roadworks.

I can understand at the start where there was the last part to finish off and open.

There is usually work being done on both sides or detours to move you to the other side.

We discussed on here during covid how other countries use more expensive material that lasts longer but it is more of a disruption when it needs to be replaced. The amount of ongoing maintenance we really should be looking at a better solution. Especially for such a heavily used road.
Promoting death and injury on the roads over safety to fit your culture war narrative Wiz. Good morning.
So ban all cars and get the road toll to 0?

Lack of critical thinking?

The article supports there’s been no actual lowering of speed. Which makes the whole council reasoning illogical 🤷‍♂️

30% reducing in death stats could be in the margin of error if there’s only a handful of deaths on the new lower speed roads 🤷‍♂️

Prove me wrong 👍
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I've brought this up a few times. Since it has opened I've only been on that stretch of road a few times where it hasn't had roadworks.

I can understand at the start where there was the last part to finish off and open.

There is usually work being done on both sides or detours to move you to the other side.

We discussed on here during covid how other countries use more expensive material that lasts longer but it is more of a disruption when it needs to be replaced. The amount of ongoing maintenance we really should be looking at a better solution. Especially for such a heavily used road.
Another interesting thing is the chip seal. Very noticeable that (we were in an 8 seater) you had to raise your voice to be heard on many sections whereas you'd get accused of shouting on others. You'd think chip would be standardised.
They got that in spades.

Now around 12 weeks since Darleen Tana was suspended and no result yet other than she's still feeding at the govt trough.
Looks like the Greens have asked Tana to resign as they can't have her removed. Wouldn't surprise me if she stays in Parlaiment as an independent.... or will she just continue to sit around home while receiving her full Parliamentary salary for the next two and a half years.

I wonder if the public will ever see the report prepared by the Greens but paid for by the taxpayer?
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Looks like the Greens have asked Tana to resign as they can't have her removed. Wouldn't surprise me if she stays in Parlaiment as an independent.... or will she just continue to sit around home while receiving her full Parliamentary salary for the next two and a half years.

I wonder if the public will ever see the report prepared by the Greens but paid for by the taxpayer?
It's somewhat funny isn't it. A party that, at its core, is one of defiant protestors. That might end up having a defiant MP refusing to resign
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If you would like to remove these advertisements, please do so by registering a free account
So ban all cars and get the road toll to 0?

Lack of critical thinking?

The article supports there’s been no actual lowering of speed. Which makes the whole council reasoning illogical 🤷‍♂️

30% reducing in death stats could be in the margin of error if there’s only a handful of deaths on the new lower speed roads 🤷‍♂️

Prove me wrong 👍
There is nothing there to disprove, it's all just opinion based on a political leaning?

There are articles from people with knowledge about it that have days that shows there is no financial benefit like the one below.
National claim to be financially prudent to get policy through but that is clearly not true.

In this case it's really convenience + more deaths but the convenience is out come is arguable. So why do it?

You can argue Labour didn't get much right but this seems to be something that worked for little impact, reversing it is nonsensical.

There is nothing there to disprove, it's all just opinion based on a political leaning?

There are articles from people with knowledge about it that have days that shows there is no financial benefit like the one below.
National claim to be financially prudent to get policy through but that is clearly not true.

In this case it's really convenience + more deaths but the convenience is out come is arguable. So why do it?

You can argue Labour didn't get much right but this seems to be something that worked for little impact, reversing it is nonsensical.

It’s not reversing or increasing speed limits it’s putting them at what the road is designed for.

Spending billions on the Wellington motorway with a higher cost due to being designed for 110kmph and then setting it at 100km just because is insane!

I trust the engineers over politicians.
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It’s not reversing or increasing speed limits it’s putting them at what the road is designed for.

Spending billions on the Wellington motorway with a higher cost due to being designed for 110kmph and then setting it at 100km just because is insane!

I trust the engineers over politicians.
The article was about auckland council so wouldn't apply to wellington, i have no idea what's happening there.
But in any case the engineers don't se the speed limi it is a legal process.

I actually think auckland council is making some reasonable decisions under brown, despite the red tape any decision requires. He seems like a knob but he can at least explain why he is doing something and makes a decision based on facts.
There is nothing there to disprove, it's all just opinion based on a political leaning?

There are articles from people with knowledge about it that have days that shows there is no financial benefit like the one below.
National claim to be financially prudent to get policy through but that is clearly not true.

In this case it's really convenience + more deaths but the convenience is out come is arguable. So why do it?

You can argue Labour didn't get much right but this seems to be something that worked for little impact, reversing it is nonsensical.

Thats a rubbish article with very little data. Classic Big Govt publication. The only link remotely talking about speed and death is wrtten by John Lieswyn on behalf of Dr Glen Koorey, and presented at 2WALKandCYCLE Conference 2024 - Wellington. Now do you think the below is an unbiased source?

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