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$550 million to be taken from public transport for pothole prevention. Proposed rego hike of $25 in 2025 and $25 more in 2026
Public transport is heavily subsidised by council, regional council, government, car users, etc. The real cost is astronomical - all those buses around Tauranga running empty… if they had to operate on purely user pays most routes should be closed.

Time they paid their own way or be more efficient instead of draining us to the point our roads fall apart.

I’m all for public transport but our implementation has been wasteful, gold plated and never delivered on its targets. Reallocate the money from cycle ways which is also paid for by everyone else.
Public transport is heavily subsidised by council, regional council, government, car users, etc. The real cost is astronomical - all those buses around Tauranga running empty… if they had to operate on purely user pays most routes should be closed.

Time they paid their own way or be more efficient instead of draining us to the point our roads fall apart.

I’m all for public transport but our implementation has been wasteful, gold plated and never delivered on its targets. Reallocate the money from cycle ways which is also paid for by everyone else.

You lefties are like playing a game of whack a mole! Your issues changes all the time! I agree the optics of Luxon’s accomodation entitlement isn’t good but I see nothing wrong with it. I can’t see what you lefties main issues seems to be as it keeps changing:

1 - he could use Premier house - not up to building code or healthy homes and Chippy didn’t use - (non issue)
2 - first PM to claim accomodation entitlement - Jacinda claimed it (evidence supplied), entitled to it, 100+ of 120 MPs also claim it (non issue)
3 - he owns the house! Evidence Labour MPs also own their own houses and done the exact same thing (non issue)
4 - he’s mortgage free - irrelevant and just plain envy (non issue)
5 - he’s targeting beneficiaries - beneficiaries get everything they are entitled to just as Luxon has (non issue but bad optics)
5 - Dirty politics hit job against Luxon - 🧐 maybe…

On Robertson, I’ve provided more evidence than you have about Nationals supposed asset sales 🤣. I used to like Robertson but then he promised no new taxes before an election then laughed and said he was being to specific as he bought in new taxes. No had no integrity!
Who can be bothered spending their time with your comments to be honest wiz.

Not me.
The dumping of the fuel tax for Auckland will well and truly be covered by the rego increases over the next couple of years for the country overall so not a lot different of criticism of labour. Just rearrangement
Remember though, the money raised from the ARFT didn't go central government but to Auckland Transport. Useless central government is going to give money to them, the money Auckland Transports receives goes down while the money for central government receives increases. And, if central government was going to give every cent of my rego to Auckland Transport, AT would only be receiving $25 in the first year and a total $50 in the second year while, at the moment, I'm paying AT over $150 PA with the ARFT..
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I'm not unhappy about the charges but I would like them to address the cause of the damage to our roads.
Heavier transport is the major problem along with the ever increasing amount of traffic and our roading sub bases were never designed/built to handle the extra we see these days.
No thoughts about increasing coastal shipping.
Without changing the regulations of weight pot holes are going to be ongoing.
Are you saying that because wizard of Tauranga wizard of Tauranga posted it he only has half a brain

Tad generous I would say :cautious:
Be interesting to see if the report is every released as to what parts were "essential" and what parts were "nice to have". I think Chippy was probably very happy that was one report he didn't need to make a decision on and was able to leave it on the desk for Luxon.
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Remember though, the money raised from the ARFT didn't go central government but to Auckland Transport. Useless central government is going to give money to them, the money Auckland Transports receives goes down while the money for central government receives increases. And, if central government was going to give every cent of my rego to Auckland Transport, AT would only be receiving $25 in the first year and a total $50 in the second year while, at the moment, I'm paying AT over $150 PA with the ARFT..
Even a portion of the proposed rego hikes will cover the ARFT with ease. To round off the population, 30c RFT to 1 million Aucklanders will be easily covered by $25 and then $50 to 5 million NZers.
Even a portion of the proposed rego hikes will cover the ARFT with ease. To round off the population, 30c RFT to 1 million Aucklanders will be easily covered by $25 and then $50 to 5 million NZers.
I just don't think the rest of NZ would be happy that their increases in rego wouldn't be used for improving their local state highways but would be used to fund a cut in money to JAFTA..... sorry, AT.
I just don't think the rest of NZ would be happy that their increases in rego wouldn't be used for improving their local state highways but would be used to fund a cut in money to JAFTA..... sorry, AT.
It actually surprises me that our new government is wanting to move away from local funding to central funding.... very different to what they're doing with water and health care.
If funding allocated for roading is left to the roading firms for maintenance etc apart from proposed roading developments from central government, how does anyone know what portion is allocated to each city, town or highway?
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Despite my personal dislike of Key, he had a slick team and was a much savvier political operator than Luxon.
He needs to stop using the word "entitled" for a start, just reinforces the bottom-feeders' perceptions that he's an entitled rich prick whether he is or not. He appears very naive to public perception, getting a reputation as an embarrassing schmuck.
If funding allocated for roading is left to the roading firms for maintenance etc apart from proposed roading developments from central government, how does anyone know what portion is allocated to each city, town or highway?
I’m think people would notice when projects normally funded by Waka Kotahi in the regions for projects done by JAFTA.
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There’s also the fact that although it’s a residence, because of it’s status as the PM’s house and can have heads of state staying there, it doesn’t fall under the residential earthquake requirements of the building code but the much stricter ones for hotels, etc.

It’s a worry when students renting a house that meets the healthy homes standards are in a drier and warmer place than what is essentially our country’s most expensive state house…. that neither of our last two PM’s have wanted to live in.

If wonder if it would be better if it was sold and a purpose built residence constructed.
Where did JA stay?
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