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Politics đź—łď¸Ź NZ Politics

I’ve already provided evidence straight from parliament Ardern claimed it
Premier house currently needs $30m spent on it and is not up to building or healthy homes standards so what other PM’s did is irrelevant seen as Labour didn’t keep it upgraded.

On another question, how can premier house need $30m - needs an investigation just on those figures. Dotcoms mansion is less than $30m…
Please link again - did Ardern claim 1000 a week on a property she owned and had recently bought mortgage free?

Oh and while you're at it - please provide concrete actual fact about your insinuations around Grant Robertson. Still waiting.
I’ve already provided evidence straight from parliament Ardern claimed it
Premier house currently needs $30m spent on it and is not up to building or healthy homes standards so what other PM’s did is irrelevant seen as Labour didn’t keep it upgraded.

On another question, how can premier house need $30m - needs an investigation just on those figures. Dotcoms mansion is less than $30m…
A 2018 report says upgrades estimated at $3m.Seems a big jump.
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I don't see a huge issue with this. He needs an electorate office, and is the PM. The taxpayer will be footing a rental bill regardless. The question is whether the rent is too much. Parliamentary Services requires a market review of each rental agreement, and has approved it. The main issue is that it is a large office.

It is irrelevant that he bought it mortgage free, and during the housing crisis
And the champions of free speech want to shut down school lunches.

Likewise gang patches - next thing, it's the criminalisation of assembly and protest.

Surely the champions of free speech would stand up for those rights.
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I’ve already provided evidence straight from parliament Ardern claimed it
Premier house currently needs $30m spent on it and is not up to building or healthy homes standards so what other PM’s did is irrelevant seen as Labour didn’t keep it upgraded.

On another question, how can premier house need $30m - needs an investigation just on those figures. Dotcoms mansion is less than $30m…
Get rid of any "heritage" considerations, then bowl it, and build one in its place with $3m. Could even spend $10m for a future-proof amazing PM residence that hosts dignataries
Just because you don't like National, don't act like Labour haven't been in the cookie jar! 🤣
There seems to be an unwillingness to recognise that there’s no questioning the entitlement, but a question of morally right when having the means to not burden the taxpayer with the expenses and while being outspoken on no free rides for anyone. John key was politically aware enough to realise the look of collecting a prime ministers salary while asking others rein in spending and big money to spend on an earthquake rebuild wasn’t a good look but unfortunately was also powerless to stop the mp pay rises that were placed upon them through his leadership. There seems to also be an attempt to turn the storyline to an envy on his wealth which seems odd considering posts on here suggest people have an issue with all parties being able to do this which I agree with
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I have a feeling, based on some of their other mind boggling housing costs and debt burden that they do most of the budget estimating themselves.
It's understood the total cost of the work programme the board recommended for Premier House and its grounds was about $30 million. However, that figure included some major proposals for redevelopment on top of the basic work to modernise and refurbish it.1 day ago

When typing in regarding it this comes up so perhaps there’s some considerable redevelopments proposed?
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There’s also the fact that although it’s a residence, because of it’s status as the PM’s house and can have heads of state staying there, it doesn’t fall under the residential earthquake requirements of the building code but the much stricter ones for hotels, etc.

It’s a worry when students renting a house that meets the healthy homes standards are in a drier and warmer place than what is essentially our country’s most expensive state house…. that neither of our last two PM’s have wanted to live in.

If wonder if it would be better if it was sold and a purpose built residence constructed.
There’s also the fact that although it’s a residence, because of it’s status as the PM’s house and can heads of state staying there, it doesn’t fall under the residential earthquake requirements of the building code but the much stricter ones for hotels, etc.

If wonder if it would be better if it was sold and a purpose built residence constructed.
Under those circumstances seems like a good idea
Looks like it’s getting closer to the time for FHB’s to jump on to the short interest rates with ASB and ANZ dropping some of their interest rates today. Velocity, who provide valuations to banks (and hopefully more accurate than Peter Thompson) are saying that their data is pointing to Auckland’s property markets getting back to the highs of 2022 post-COVID peaks is the last quarter of 2026. They’re picking
Southland and Canterbury will hit that point this year.

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