Many of us brought in to Megan Woods and her continually telling us that Labour has built over 4,000 new state houses from June 2022 until October 2023. Sounds very impressive.... until you see that over 20% off those new houses are not occupied. 5% of the state houses (just under 4000 houses) were unoccupied at 31 October 2023. Yet the number of people waiting for a state house from 2017 to 2023 went from just under 6,000 to over 25,000.
And some people think that the government should just keep giving Kāinga Ora more blank cheques to build more state houses.
And the worst thing about this is a number of people won't consider this a problem because they'll start to read the article below, and, as soon as they see the name Chris Bishop, will dismiss this as a problem.
The public housing waitlist numbers more than 25,000.