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It is not a year out. Tenants are notified of an approximate date a few months out, then get three weeks notice of when the house or unit will be complete. That three week notice is triggered by the developer in writing. Should they not hit that date, penalties are harsh, so it hardly ever happens.
Lol so you think you can cancel existing tenancies and relocate with 3 weeks notice? Even dumber
It is not a year out. Tenants are notified of an approximate date a few months out, then get three weeks notice of when the house or unit will be complete. That three week notice is triggered by the developer in writing. Should they not hit that date, penalties are harsh, so it hardly ever happens.
According to your process, the 200 homes will likely have a tenant(s) allocated - they just haven't finalized the tenancy or taken residency of the property?
According to your process, the 200 homes will likely have a tenant(s) allocated - they just haven't finalized the tenancy or taken residency of the property?

Shows a complete lack of understanding. They arent numbers, its people. They arent warehoused in a storage shed, waiting to get moved into a house. They have lives and families and shit.
According to your process, the 200 homes will likely have a tenant(s) allocated - they just haven't finalized the tenancy or taken residency of the property?
Yes. They will have tenants allocated, usually those most in need or those moving in whose existing KO property may be identified for redevelopment, either community renewal or a smaller infill type development or demolition.
Yes. They will have tenants allocated, usually those most in need or those moving in whose existing KO property may be identified for redevelopment, either community renewal or a smaller infill type development or demolition.
So not actually empty. You knew this yet still agreed KO weren't doing their job. Lol
The KO vacancy report shows a different picture. Bishop simply wants to sink KO.

View attachment 4919
Seems reasonable that there might be some rolling lag between new builds being completed and being tenanted.
Seems a good portion of the vacant housing is under repair or about to be and a number to be demo'd for redevelopment.

KO should get carte blanche until the social housing stock numbers are at a reasonable level. They are doing a good job.
Sorry but I said that there were just under 4,000 houses vacant and the report you've shown says that there was 3,964 state houses vacant.... seems to me that it doesn't show a "different picture".
Cool. What about jobs and school. Moving times etc.

The ADF covers all expenses and costs, accom on both sides of the move, and its still a complete nightmare. Why? Cascading dominoes..
You really are in dreamland. Those in greatest need, the top of the list don't come from private sector rentals EVER. They come from their cars, motel if they are lucky or a relatives garage or tent in the backyard. You have no idea what you are talking about.
You really are in dreamland. Those in greatest need, the top of the list don't come from private sector rentals EVER. They come from their cars, motel if they are lucky or a relatives garage or tent in the backyard. You have no idea what you are talking about.
whose talking about “those in greatest need”? Where was that mentioned in comments about overall vacancy rates?
Technically yes. But not really if there is a tenant allocated to the property.
It is yes. Houses are not left empty until it suits the tenant. There will be no tenants coming directly from the private sector.
They are empty because KO is not doing their job properly, that is the issue. Meanwhile, those desperately in need of those places are unable to access them.
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