Politics šŸ—³ļø NZ Politics

Apparently Treasury did the numbers. Because people with Hybrids and ICE vehicles average more Kms per year than BEVā€™s, removing all the fuel taxes and replacing them with RUCā€™s wouldnā€˜t have provided enough revenue as the government would receive under the new scheme and existing fuel taxes. Unfortunately, the bottom line, as typical of our governments, is money.

Interestingly, one large cargo ship supposedly creates more greenhouse gases each year than 50 million ICE cars. Maybe weā€™re focusing in the wrong direction and instead of being concerned about ICE vs BEV vs PHEV vs HEV and looking at shipping moving away from the heavy fuel they use.
Shipping is moving

Two alt fuels that new build ships run


Yes mate. I was only involved in the Wellington operation and sending back GMs ckds from our Ngaranga operation back to Melbourne on seafreighter bases and cannot remember the ships. Sixty years ago. Sorry I was meaning to reply.
Only 40 odd years ago John.
My other port/shipping mate sadly passed away in Sept.
I ve run out of people to ask.
Another example of the blight of co-governance.

A local Maori Eder wants a street named ā€˜Papakangahorohoroā€™ when consulted, which nobody else wants, so the entire process breaks down and the street is unnamed years later.

A 17 letter street name doesnā€™t seem reasonable from a practicality sense. But here we are.

Too much power given to anyone with a narrow interest = my way or the highway?

I see the conumdrum.
Great that you feel it and have a reasonable reason for felling them.
I can only say gift them to local iwi who will transform them into meaningful pieces, surprised (well maybe not) that they aren't involved anyway. Your solutions for replacement go a long way towards doing the right thing.
I have cut down many native frees on my property, probably hundreds. Many native trees have little use other than to protect the larger varieties until they over take them. I have replanted tropical plants, palms, cycads, bromeliads etc.
I have left the big trees, kauri, rimu, towai, manuka, ake ake and all the tree ferns.
A decent size kauri started to lose it's leaves a few years ago, so I got the experts in to look at it and they said it is diseased and cut it down.
Taking your cue, I visited a local master carver and offered him the wood once it was cut down, saying I could have the trunk cut to specific lengths he specified. He was not interested , couldn't even be bothered to drive 5kms to have a look at the tree. Wasn't interested unless it was delivered.
Gave the tree to a firewood merchant who was grateful.
I have cut down many native frees on my property, probably hundreds. Many native trees have little use other than to protect the larger varieties until they over take them. I have replanted tropical plants, palms, cycads, bromeliads etc.
I have left the big trees, kauri, rimu, towai, manuka, ake ake and all the tree ferns.
A decent size kauri started to lose it's leaves a few years ago, so I got the experts in to look at it and they said it is diseased and cut it down.
Taking your cue, I visited a local master carver and offered him the wood once it was cut down, saying I could have the trunk cut to specific lengths he specified. He was not interested , couldn't even be bothered to drive 5kms to have a look at the tree. Wasn't interested unless it was delivered.
Gave the tree to a firewood merchant who was grateful.
It was just a suggestion
Sorry, I thought you had some inside knowledge on local iwi ' ' I can only say, gift them to local iwi who will transform them into meaningful pieces''
As I don't know what the locality is I wouldn't presume to say I had any 'inside knowledge' hence it was a suggestion. And it is up to anyone to decide if they would take up any such offer or not for whatever reason.
I have cut down many native frees on my property, probably hundreds. Many native trees have little use other than to protect the larger varieties until they over take them. I have replanted tropical plants, palms, cycads, bromeliads etc.
I have left the big trees, kauri, rimu, towai, manuka, ake ake and all the tree ferns.
A decent size kauri started to lose it's leaves a few years ago, so I got the experts in to look at it and they said it is diseased and cut it down.
Taking your cue, I visited a local master carver and offered him the wood once it was cut down, saying I could have the trunk cut to specific lengths he specified. He was not interested , couldn't even be bothered to drive 5kms to have a look at the tree. Wasn't interested unless it was delivered.
Gave the tree to a firewood merchant who was grateful.
Getting rid of the logs is the biggest problem when they have no value (canā€™t sell) and thereā€™s trees for Africa available.

These tees are 20m+ and the logs are huge. Just going to be left in a corner to rot.
Many of us brought in to Megan Woods and her continually telling us that Labour has built over 4,000 new state houses from June 2022 until October 2023. Sounds very impressive.... until you see that over 20% off those new houses are not occupied. 5% of the state houses (just under 4000 houses) were unoccupied at 31 October 2023. Yet the number of people waiting for a state house from 2017 to 2023 went from just under 6,000 to over 25,000.

And some people think that the government should just keep giving Kāinga Ora more blank cheques to build more state houses.

And the worst thing about this is a number of people won't consider this a problem because they'll start to read the article below, and, as soon as they see the name Chris Bishop, will dismiss this as a problem.

Getting rid of the logs is the biggest problem when they have no value (canā€™t sell) and thereā€™s trees for Africa available.

These tees are 20m+ and the logs are huge. Just going to be left in a corner to rot.
Try a few firewood merchants, especially smaller one man types who seem to always be on the lookout for wood. Access is an issue. If they can back a a tandem trailer close it makes it easy.
Getting rid of the logs is the biggest problem when they have no value (canā€™t sell) and thereā€™s trees for Africa available.

These tees are 20m+ and the logs are huge. Just going to be left in a corner to rot.
you can apply for a permit to mill a certain amount for your own use each year I believe. (if you have a use for it)
Why not. They seem to have a lot of needs and a lot to say.
Always want their space on the road.
Proportionally of course
I'm a cyclist but due to getting pissed off at cyclists while driving before I started cycling I still hate the bastards.

I grew up in a small town so the two-abreast wasn't an issue. No living in a city with cars parked on either side and the road being generally busier I am against the two-abreast rule. I also pretty much hug the curbside as much as possible. Where a lot of other cyclists think they have a right to the road.

As I've gotten more into cycling it has helped as I am more aware that the cyclist needs time to anticipate or unclip when coming up to intersections. The same goes the other way when you are cycling as you should be aware of what the driver requires in terms of time or knowing what you are going to do.

I typically cycle during the low traffic times either first thing in the morning on the weekends or the evening during daylight savings. The ones that go riding during the day on busy city roads or in the middle of the city centres it is just asking for trouble.

Years ago before I took up cycling I did have a cyclist hit the back of my car in the middle of the Auckland CBD. As I was coming back from work and turning into the car pack. The exchange went something like this.

Him "you were supposed to indicate"
Me "I did"
Him "For 3 seconds"
Me "Yeah I did"

The irony was I sped up earlier to get out of his way and avoid an incident. I remember driving past thinking it was nuts riding that speed on one of the most congested roads in the country.
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