Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics

I mean look at something like minimum wage. It's an amazing concept.
Human beings no matter how Benile the job , you , your time , your effort , your life measured in minutes is worth X.
Only works though in a global economy if everyone adopts it though....

Yeah hey you there you handsome Austrakian fuck... your worth 19 an hour minimum BUT I've got an equally handsome Bengali bloke who will do it for .30 an hour so yeah have fun ..... oh btw we don't make vacuum cleaners in this country anymore , hope you like working at coles or Kmart or ANZ for 20-40 an hour....
Oh btw because woman can work - which is amazing btw don't get me wrong. Your partner and you will both have to enter the workforce because inflation blah blah global recession blah blah means that you probably can't afford a mortgage on one income alone. Don't worry we subsidised middle class and child welfare for you though... hope you like your rates and taxes paying for that rather than investment into infrastructure/healthcare/education. Oh yeah we cut education. We want people dumber. Then we can put them into the private prison system , then we surreptitiously evade our own moralistic labour laws which actually penalise us in a global economy so we can profit of an underclass of itinerant humans in and out of the system which we can use for cheap labour or even a political scapegoat....

I think I'm having a ww2 fever dream..


Ya know what? **** Auckland and all their issues. They have brought it on themselves yet the rest of the country has to keep paying/ subsidising ridiculous Auckland planning (😂), ridiculous 'keep up with the Jone's' ideas and stupid decisions. Sink or swim on your own, been happening for decades.
All the moves away from pt and other cancelled projects is to cater to the marauding conglomerates who want to rape our environment and deplete OUR natural resources without care, compensation towards the whole country & will disappear when that's done.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not against utilising some natural resurces - if the whole country and people's lives are improved and if its done sustainably so this jewel of a country is not raped beyond recovery. Auckland is a symptom of all that whethwr you believe it or not & its so far removed from the rest of the country. Fix their own mess up and see if people living there go along quietly.
Oh, and move our beloved Warriors out of that mess...you don't deserve them 😗 🤪 🤣
Not entirely not serious...
Oh btw because woman can work - which is amazing btw don't get me wrong. Your partner and you will both have to enter the workforce because inflation blah blah global recession blah blah means that you probably can't afford a mortgage on one income alone. Don't worry we subsidised middle class and child welfare for you though... hope you like your rates and taxes paying for that rather than investment into infrastructure/healthcare/education. Oh yeah we cut education. We want people dumber. Then we can put them into the private prison system , then we surreptitiously evade our own moralistic labour laws which actually penalise us in a global economy so we can profit of an underclass of itinerant humans in and out of the system which we can use for cheap labour or even a political scapegoat....

I think I'm having a ww2 fever dream..
And I want a global minimum wage.
If shit is too expensive then there aren't enough resources. If that's the case , there are too many people?
are we too busy saying population X needs to be huge to command the resources it does and therefore population A,B,C miss out?
Why are we living in a global earth where we are more connected than ever but still being separated by language and culture.
Are small independent communities that self govern the way forward or overarching global governments ensuring the earth is on a level playing field?
A mix of both?
Are we just in the stage of history where everyone's fighting over what that will look like?
Mike, do you know anything about changes insurance companies have made to policies regarding having electric cars parked inside garages, both at home and in commercial buildings in light of their recent cases of catching fire?
I’ve just scan read State Insurance’s car and house policy wordings on their website and can find no reference specifically mentioning electric vehicles
what’s the cost recovery on sewerage? What’s the cost recovery on normal roads? Countries with efficient pt system have realised it’s a utility cost that has its own benefits.
Look it’s either the user of the service or utility directly paying more or the rate/tax payer. Either way it’s coming out of our pockets. Or is your preference that we just keep borrowing more and more to fund everything?
What are nationals actual plans other than to stop stuff, some of which seems sensible, to give tax breaks? We need someone with a plan that can execute it to run the country.

Labor at least had a plan that wasn't cancel stuff the other guys did, couldn't execute it for shit and wasted their opportunity though, muppets.

Should have voted TOP in, at least they had a strategy that was backed by data - too late now.

Hopefully we get an AI candidate next time. These human politicians suck.
A good start would be altering the building code to make new commercial and industrial buildings (and those undertaking significant additions/alterations) to install solar systems. Replace the coal generation for when there’s not enough power generation from renewable systems (as well as geothermal and hydro) with biodiesel generation produced by recycling ♻️ and food waste programs.
The wholesale international rate banks borrow at has fallen by 1% in the last few months but only some banks have lowered their interest rates by 0.1%. Why? Because the banks are creaming more profit? No…. because mortgage borrowing isn‘t just influenced by money borrowed from overseas but also from the Reserve Bank, which sets the OCR, and by customers still wanting higher deposit rates.

No challangers then?
You covered a lot of ground mate. Great thinking.

Question: should the minimum wage be the same in a big city as it is in a tiny little town? How does that impact each economy? Then extrapolate that across countries.
The wholesale international rate banks borrow at has fallen by 1% in the last few months but only some banks have lowered their interest rates by 0.1%. Why? Because the banks are creaming more profit? No…. because mortgage borrowing isn‘t just influenced by money borrowed from overseas but also from the Reserve Bank, which sets the OCR, and by customers still wanting higher deposit rates.

So if I’m due to refix I should go as short as possible?

Interest rates are about to drop!
The hard left majority contributing to this thread are a minority out there in the real world. Shouldn’t come as a surprise. New Zealanders voted for change and they are happy with what they see so far.
"Hard left" what is that & who is hard left? Pseudo yankee thinking much?
There's been a lot of discussion on here how NZers are largely in the middle...more correct.
And stop trying to appease yourself with 'NZers voted for change' as if ALL NZers voted for change.
The hard left majority contributing to this thread are a minority out there in the real world. Shouldn’t come as a surprise. New Zealanders voted for change and they are happy with what they see so far.
Under your reckoning NZers voted for change (and I agree there was a bit of a swing) however the results of the poll strongly show NZers didn't vote for Seymour & Peters to be the govt.
National had to form an alliance with them to form a government (which is a symptom of mmp) but it once again indicates your blanket statement of New Zealanders voted for change isn't exactly as all-encompassing of voters as you try to make out.
And again on the hard left rhetoric...if hard left is wanting your grandchildren to have as good a quality of education as the 'rich', opportunity to pursue their passions and live a prosperous fulfilling life (which isn't all about money), be safe in their neighburhoods, eat real food that isn't poisonous, live in a unique, unspoilt beautiful country where they can drink the water, swim in the rivers and at beaches, buy their own home (however humble) or at least be able to afford to rent one, be able to travel the country and the world if they choose, te mea, te mea.
Is that hard left?
I guess that's me then
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