Well the earliest alleged incident is Oct 26th, I don't want to speculate on her life of crime or whatever's happening to her mental health unless she comes out and explains it herself.Death by 1000 cuts strategy says there will be more incidences in the news soon as fresh skeletons are dug up. It seems there’s a pattern and I wouldn’t rule out her doing this since her teenage years?
I don’t think this reflects badly on the Greens (although there will be a whole lot of short term finger pointing), long term it will be seen as more a reflection on the individual. Your point about the Greens knowing before the election though could change things.
The longer the Greens allow her to stay silent, the longer they will get tainted. She was back yesterday already! Should have released a statement or Golriz did an interview last night.
Doesn't appear her party were aware of it before the election at this stage, but if turns out they were yeah that's not going to reflect well on the Greens.
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