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It’s going to also require investment in an energy system to handle the extra energy required to power that fleet.
A good start would be altering the building code to make new commercial and industrial buildings (and those undertaking significant additions/alterations) to install solar systems. Replace the coal generation for when there’s not enough power generation from renewable systems (as well as geothermal and hydro) with biodiesel generation produced by recycling ♻️ and food waste programs.


A good start would be altering the building code to make new commercial and industrial buildings (and those undertaking significant additions/alterations) to install solar systems. Replace the coal generation for when there’s not enough power generation from renewable systems (as well as geothermal and hydro) with biodiesel generation produced by recycling ♻️ and food waste programs.
Mike, do you know anything about changes insurance companies have made to policies regarding having electric cars parked inside garages, both at home and in commercial buildings in light of their recent cases of catching fire?
A good start would be altering the building code to make new commercial and industrial buildings (and those undertaking significant additions/alterations) to install solar systems. Replace the coal generation for when there’s not enough power generation from renewable systems (as well as geothermal and hydro) with biodiesel generation produced by recycling ♻️ and food waste programs.
I’d go with that along with a small tank for a part of your own catchment of water, be it a shed or additional off the house that’s collected.
I think it's b
I think it's been mentioned before but shouldn't this expenditure be the onus of the electricity supplier or manufacturer of the vehicle
Yeah I think there should at the least be a contribution. With the reliability of the power supply, you’d want to invest in a generator too.
It’s going to also require investment in an energy system to handle the extra energy required to power that fleet.
We already have a number of nights during winter the power grid gets close to capacity. I think there may have been a few nights the last few years where there have been warnings for potential power cuts.

As more and more EVs get added to the national fleet the amount charging overnight would naturally increase.

We are going to need to expand the capacity of the national grid in general along with getting fast chargers every 150 kms or whatever ends up occuring.
I’d go with that along with a small tank for a part of your own catchment of water, be it a shed or additional off the house that’s collected.
For a number of years, the water depts of most of Auckland’s various councils opposed collecting water to do things like harvesting your own rainwater to do things like flushing toilets and using in washing machines if the property was connected to a town water supply. This was because they were concerned that untreated water could enter their supply systems.

A simple non-return valve and a rain bank system stops that.

Now, new dwellings in Auckland require a Stormwater Management plan which means owner may need to provide a detention or retention tank to store water on site before it enters into the public system.

Another reason WaterCare (and the previous water depts) didn’t like people “harvesting” water is it’s unmetered. When you harvest your own water and it eventually enters the public sanitary system, they don’t collect money to dispose of it as that water didn’t come from a metered water supply. They definitely don’t like apartment buildings which run harvested grey water systems to flush toilets.
That ain't gonna happen.
It should though.
For years Australia and NZ have outsourced manufacturing and Food production.
Speaking more about Australia here but there is a very small amount of manufacturing in Aus. Global economics and the competitive labour prices have destroyed most western manufacturing industries and now we are dependent on a global supply chain.
Pros and cons.
Cheap shit and variety of shit vs quality and ethical standard stuff.
Its resulted in jobs for advertisers , conslutants and marketing people. Now AI. More job loss. More people uneeded by society. Are protective isolationist economies better? For people I mean... shouldn't everybody be able to work and provide , even if it isn't much?
Should countries produce there own food? Look at Thailand.. 4 AUD for a healthy street meal.. 15-25 dollars in the west. Red tape from health inspections to national food distributors imposing HACCP protocols onto everything.
Its sometimes cheaper in Australian supermarkets to buy Mexican Asparagus than Australian. Are all our values meaningless when we exploit the conditions of other countries for our " gain" rather than looking out for our own?
Shouldn't our economies be competitive regardless of size or our ability to oppress our own populations...

Are we fucked?
National still in a honeymoon period with voters with their support rising above 40% in the latest poll. And Chippy looks to be on borrowed time as Labour leader slipping to a new low in the preferred PM ratings and is now 18 points below Luxon.

Labour was constantly populist to the point that running the government became a big positive PR campaign and doing what was needed came second.

Total change in style. National has been more honest, done the unpopular but necessary choices, made the hard calls and people are finding it refreshing.

One way builds fanatics, the other builds respect.
Couldn't NZ entice domestic Australian Car and Battery Manufacturers to NZ with the promise of cheaper Labour and Tax Benefits to seriously invest in a domestic build. Would it be that much different to manufacturing fuckloads of Powerade?
Domestic products would have National and potentially regional value through symbolism and could be extremely innovative. With enough regional support people who want quality would pay the extra costs , less middlemen too gouging along the way.
Look at Hollywood though , why try and create anything new when you can do a remake of meangirls...
Labour was constantly populist to the point that running the government became a big positive PR campaign and doing what was needed came second.

Total change in style. National has been more honest, done the unpopular but necessary choices, made the hard calls and people are finding it refreshing.

One way builds fanatics, the other builds respect.
One way means the government earns more which it passes on to the rich.
The other way the government earns slightly less but at least gives a little back...

Both ways are a bit fucked.
Mike, do you know anything about changes insurance companies have made to policies regarding having electric cars parked inside garages, both at home and in commercial buildings in light of their recent cases of catching fire?
Not personally but a close friend is an insurance broker. Next time I’m talking to him, I’ll ask what he’s heard.
I mean look at something like minimum wage. It's an amazing concept.
Human beings no matter how Benile the job , you , your time , your effort , your life measured in minutes is worth X.
Only works though in a global economy if everyone adopts it though....

Yeah hey you there you handsome Austrakian fuck... your worth 19 an hour minimum BUT I've got an equally handsome Bengali bloke who will do it for .30 an hour so yeah have fun ..... oh btw we don't make vacuum cleaners in this country anymore , hope you like working at coles or Kmart or ANZ for 20-40 an hour....
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