Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics


JIT inventory killed off rail in the '70's as there was (and still isn't) any way for them to compete on the flexibility and door to door service from trucking. Plus our gauge is too narrow for any sort of speed and means our curves are tighter inhibiting load capacity of wagons due to length. To replace any lines in anything wider would be a mammoth task. Electrification of the main trunk was probably as good it was going to get.
Hey Isn't that an ongoing problem for political parties of any ilk.Our rail lines are sub standard as is our roading system.
Forever patching & repairing & listening to complaints from the public, transport companies & the opposition .
All pointing the finger but the ever underlying issue is they were never designed ,built to handle today's traffic/freight/weights.
That’s the iwi playing politics.

They have been unreasonable knowing they have political power to push for anything and everything. Want $100m spent including a new $18m marae health centre to somehow mitigate the damage 🙄

It’s reasons like this that there has been a push back and swing to the opposite political extreme and grown the ACT and NZ First vote.

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

Ships cause horrendous water polution and risk to sea habitats. Where do you think all their waste discharge and accidental discharge goes? And its not in small lots.
Was staying at a marae next to the water up there years ago & took one of the kids for a paddle and a local came running over & said don't go in the water there.
Too late, and both our lower legs ended up with an irritating rash for the next few days. Wasn't all due to ships but also all sorts of discharges from industry etc as well probably.
If it wasn't for iwi we'd be living in a poisonous puddle around the country.
Its long overdue that all industries, including farmers, managed their waste, treat it onsite, and don't discharge into waterways, the sea included, especially harbours.
As kids we spent our childhood in and around the rivers, lakes and beaches. There's a helluva lot more places now where you can't than then. A generation or two don't know what that is any more.
If you want to use a natural resource, take care of it!
What’s the rush? We all waited 6 years for the previous government to deliver… nothing positive.
You couldn't be more wrong - the outgoing government signed the IREX deal and was implementing 3 Waters reform - the incoming government has cancelled them both and put nothing in their place.

I say just close the Picton Wharfs and the Port of Malborough in 2026 when they will no longer be operational and make councils put rates up to $20k/annum to bring their water assets up to compliance. Unless Fuxton has a plan, which for some reason he is keeping secret?
You couldn't be more wrong - the outgoing government signed the IREX deal and was implementing 3 Waters reform - the incoming government has cancelled them both and put nothing in their place.

I say just close the Picton Wharfs and the Port of Malborough in 2026 when they will no longer be operational and make councils put rates up to $20k/annum to bring their water assets up to compliance. Unless Fuxton has a plan, which for some reason he is keeping secret?
So to my point, the previous government had delivered nothing positive.
Ships cause horrendous water polution and risk to sea habitats. Where do you think all their waste discharge and accidental discharge goes? And its not in small lots.
Was staying at a marae next to the water up there years ago & took one of the kids for a paddle and a local came running over & said don't go in the water there.
Too late, and both our lower legs ended up with an irritating rash for the next few days. Wasn't all due to ships but also all sorts of discharges from industry etc as well probably.
If it wasn't for iwi we'd be living in a poisonous puddle around the country.
Its long overdue that all industries, including farmers, managed their waste, treat it onsite, and don't discharge into waterways, the sea included, especially harbours.
As kids we spent our childhood in and around the rivers, lakes and beaches. There's a helluva lot more places now where you can't than then. A generation or two don't know what that is any more.
If you want to use a natural resource, take care of it!
I haven't seen much evidence of Iwi, Maori in general looking after the sea. Up here on one beautiful beach are dozens of caravans, shacks etc with locals shitting into long drops or not even that right next to the beach. Not to mention the dead cars appliances etc that just stay insitu.
I haven't seen much evidence of Iwi, Maori in general looking after the sea. Up here on one beautiful beach are dozens of caravans, shacks etc with locals shitting into long drops or not even that right next to the beach. Not to mention the dead cars appliances etc that just stay insitu.
So please explain why Tauranga iwi want $100m from POTL ?
Is it to be put into saving the environment 🤔
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