I can make up 1M in space by putting Leniu and Willison on the block.
Stuck wondering if it would be better to go with Duncan (or someone else in the 400k area, but with Arrow out likely for the year I prefer him) and one of the middles in the 500-600k range,
or spend as much as I can on one guy like Tohu, Tapine or Cam McInnes, and fill the last spot with whoever I can afford (Galvin, Gagai, Wishart or Muhleisen)
Stefano Utoikamanu, WST, MID, 587K (B/E: 42, BYE: 13 26) | Tallis Duncan, SOU, MID, 413K (B/E: 29, BYE: 7 13 17) | Remaining Cap Space: 1K |
Thomas Flegler, DOL, MID, 536K (B/E: 26, BYE: 3 14 18) | Tallis Duncan, SOU, MID, 413K (B/E: 29, BYE: 7 13 17) | Remaining Cap Space: 52K |
Terrell May, SYD, MID, 523K (B/E: 20, BYE: 14 19 23) | Tallis Duncan, SOU, MID, 413K (B/E: 29, BYE: 7 13 17) | Remaining Cap Space: 65K |
Brandon Smith, SYD, HOK/MID, 550K (B/E 33, BYE: 14 19 23) | Tallis Duncan, SOU, MID, 413K (B/E: 29, BYE: 7 13 17) | Remaining Cap Space: 38K |
Morgan Smithies, CAN, MID, 538K (B/E: 29, BYE: 10 14 19) | Tallis Duncan, SOU, MID, 413K (B/E: 29, BYE: 7 13 17) | Remaining Cap Space: 50K |
Tohu Harris, WAR, MID, 752K (B/E: 45, BYE: 13 19 27) | Lachlan Galvin, WST, HLF, 230K (B/E: 16, BYE: 13 26) | Remaining Cap Space: 19K |
Joesph Tapine, CAN, MID, 740K (B/E: 51, BYE: 10 14 19) | Lachlan Galvin, WST, HLF, 230K (B/E: 16, BYE: 13 26) | Remaining Cap Space: 31K |
Cameron McInnes, CRO, MID, 695K (B/E: 54, BYE: 5 16 20) | Danny Levi, CAN, HOK, 298K (B/E: 14, BYE: 10 14 19) | Remaining Cap Space: 8K |
If only I had gone this far when picking
my team, I might not be in this situation lol
I wouldn't rule out going for Mitch Moses as the big contract guy, then maybe switching Cody Walker, who is in my team, for that mid-range middle in a week or two