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Yeah 83 last week as well.
He had a huge BE last week of 70 odd I believe.
I think a lot of people were waiting for him to bottom out but never happened.
Top coaches will be looking at Garrick for sure.
This year he is averaging 46 - last two previous seasons he also averaged 46
I don't see myself taking him. In cricket we have an expression called "down hill skier"
Martin Crowe and Ross Taylor were uphill skiers they only scored runs when the score was 23-2 when they walked out to bat and thrived in a crisis but seemed to not do well if we got off to a flyer and they walked out at 200-2.
Some middle order batsman were always downhill skiers who turned up when the bowlers had already been blunted.
I see Garrick as showing up in games in some matches but not against the elite teams. While DCE and Tom Turbo turn up against quality sides more consistently.
I don't see myself taking him. In cricket we have an expression called "down hill skier"
Martin Crowe and Ross Taylor were uphill skiers they only scored runs when the score was 23-2 when they walked out to bat and thrived in a crisis but seemed to not do well if we got off to a flyer and they walked out at 200-2.
Some middle order batsman were always downhill skiers who turned up when the bowlers had already been blunted.
I see Garrick as showing up in games in some matches but not against the elite teams. While DCE and Tom Turbo turn up against quality sides more consistently.
If I’m being honest I think you’re either over analysing or analysing incorrectly. I’m not on a high horse, I’m trying to help.

You mentioned savage passing the eye test. He’s made 100k this year, but loses 31k of that this week, and will have an even higher break even next week. If he bombs it again, he’ll have wiped over half the money he had made. He’s an urgent trade. I never pick up a wfb that is try reliant, it’s too much rocks/diamonds for mine. Eye test or not, he’s likely to lose any money you’ve made on him over the next 2-3 weeks and you’ll be in a terrible cap position because of it.

You also mentioned you’re not looking at Garrick. He Just come off games of 66 and 83 and is as cheap as he’ll be all year. He’s a goal kicking, dual position centre wfb that has good bye coverage and plays for a good team. In centres/wfb, you’re looking for players with a good base & opportunity for upside. Garrick ticks all these boxes. He is also in a good team, and kicks goals. Meaning his base is very consistent.

As a direct comparison, Garrick’s floor is a 23 this year, whereas his ceiling is 80+. Versus someone like savage, his floor is a 7, with upside of 57. It’s night and day between the two.

Garrick will have a very low be next week, I got him last week. He’s borderline must have.
If I’m being honest I think you’re either over analysing or analysing incorrectly. I’m not on a high horse, I’m trying to help.

You mentioned savage passing the eye test. He’s made 100k this year, but loses 31k of that this week, and will have an even higher break even next week. If he bombs it again, he’ll have wiped over half the money he had made. He’s an urgent trade. I never pick up a wfb that is try reliant, it’s too much rocks/diamonds for mine.

You also mentioned you’re not looking at Garrick. He Just come off games of 66 and 83 and is as cheap as he’ll be all year. He’s a goal kicking, dual position centre wfb that has good bye coverage and plays for a good team. In centres/wfb, you’re looking for players with a good case & opportunity for upside. Garrick ticks all these boxes. He is also in a good team, and kicks goals. Meaning his base is very consistent.

As a direct comparison, Garrick’s floor is a 23 this year, whereas his ceiling is 80+. Versus someone like savage, his floor is a 7, with upside of 57. It’s night and day between the two.

Garrick will have a very low be next week, I got him last week. He’s borderline must have.
And has fullback games incoming, he's a no brainer.
If I’m being honest I think you’re either over analysing or analysing incorrectly. I’m not on a high horse, I’m trying to help.

You mentioned savage passing the eye test. He’s made 100k this year, but loses 31k of that this week, and will have an even higher break even next week. If he bombs it again, he’ll have wiped over half the money he had made. He’s an urgent trade. I never pick up a wfb that is try reliant, it’s too much rocks/diamonds for mine. Eye test or not, he’s likely to lose any money you’ve made on him over the next 2-3 weeks and you’ll be in a terrible cap position because of it.

You also mentioned you’re not looking at Garrick. He Just come off games of 66 and 83 and is as cheap as he’ll be all year. He’s a goal kicking, dual position centre wfb that has good bye coverage and plays for a good team. In centres/wfb, you’re looking for players with a good base & opportunity for upside. Garrick ticks all these boxes. He is also in a good team, and kicks goals. Meaning his base is very consistent.

As a direct comparison, Garrick’s floor is a 23 this year, whereas his ceiling is 80+. Versus someone like savage, his floor is a 7, with upside of 57. It’s night and day between the two.

Garrick will have a very low be next week, I got him last week. He’s borderline must have.
This is a learning year for me. It is ok if some of my pet theories end up dashing on the rocks as then I will learn a great lesson. I will give more thought to Garrick. If I could trade
I can either upgrade Jordan Riki to Crichton and use all my cash for the difference
Or I can upgrade Savage to Garrick and use all my cash for the difference
And or trade pretty much straight across Paps for Garrick

I am also comparing Garrick to RTS. At some point RTS has to click into overdrive. RTS is the major reason I am hesitating on Garrick. I think RTS is a better athlete.
Savage Last two games 18 and 7
Incidentally both games the raiders were missing Fogarty
Daniel Atkinson with 30 points last round and priced at $267K?
How long is Trindall out for?
I personally think Crichton is still a must have. I bought Atkinson 2 weeks ago, has value
OK I will take him then I will need to trade in Papps for him and "downgrade" Savage to Atkinson to make up the price difference between Papps and Crichton.
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