Social 🆚 NZWarriors NRLFantasy Competiton 2024

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So I had Sam Walker all the way until he was injured then I traded him. Now he puts this on dragons, 10 goals, 1 try, 3 try assist. Jeez. Probably going to get like 80-90 points
I did the same because of the injury. I still have him in Supercoach though and thankfully made the decision this afternoon to bring him into the reserves. Scored 144 in that comp.

Laban lost points for errors otherwise he would have scored thirty points. I am watching him closely.
Not sure Terrell is a sell? I don't know why he got less minutes today, but he's a high scorer isn't he?
He’s a great scorer, but u simply can’t trust Robbie rotations at the moment. I’m not prepared to wait either. 20 mins when they lost radley this week too is not on. I’m over the games. He’s fantastic when he plays 40-50mins but I’m over the inconsistency and it will start to chew into the money has he made now.
Harley Smith Shields last minute injury.

I am tracking him too. Interested at the right price.
I need a hooker for Round 13 so I will have to get something regardless. Not sure if I want something expensive like Robson when Cows aren't doing well.
Question because I can't seem to find it


there are 3 values
first value (black) is how much they are worth now
2nd value (green) is how much they have risen since round 1
3rd value (red) is how much they lost the previous round?
Is anyone worried about running out of trades? It's been a frantic start to the season and we haven't even got to origin yet.
Yeah, I've been doing max trades, if anyone is like me, then with 11 weeks until round 19, you can only do 2 trades per week and one of them you can only do 1 trade. anything more than that and there will be a few weeks where you have no trades.

After this round is complete, I have to plan out my trades all the way to round 13 at the least. I know that one of them has to be for a hooker.
I've also realised that I've played this game badly as it's a h2h competition and not an overall competition. I'm not even sure if I will be mid pack, I'll be bottom quarter I think.

I'm going to score well this week, but feel like I'm going to get beaten by someone scoring 800+ again.
Yeah, I've been doing max trades, if anyone is like me, then with 11 weeks until round 19, you can only do 2 trades per week and one of them you can only do 1 trade. anything more than that and there will be a few weeks where you have no trades.

After this round is complete, I have to plan out my trades all the way to round 13 at the least. I know that one of them has to be for a hooker.
I play premier league fantasy and you only get one trade per week or if you don't trade for a week you can have two trades the following week. (Maximum of two trades can be made if you have done this) Otherwise you can make more trades over the top of this but it costs you points off your total score as a penalty. They also gave two wildcards you can play which allows you to make as many changes as you want for that week with the salary cap you have. They also have a free hit week which you can do the same as a wildcard for the week but the following week it reverts back to the team you had prior to playing the free hit. Would be useful for SoO period or if there had been mass injuries affecting your team.

Anyway, I'm not making any trades if I can help it over the next few weeks to try and save for the run home. I've been doing max trades so far also
I play premier league fantasy and you only get one trade per week or if you don't trade for a week you can have two trades the following week. (Maximum of two trades can be made if you have done this) Otherwise you can make more trades over the top of this but it costs you points off your total score as a penalty. They also gave two wildcards you can play which allows you to make as many changes as you want for that week with the salary cap you have. They also have a free hit week which you can do the same as a wildcard for the week but the following week it reverts back to the team you had prior to playing the free hit. Would be useful for SoO period or if there had been mass injuries affecting your team.

Anyway, I'm not making any trades if I can help it over the next few weeks to try and save for the run home. I've been doing max trades so far also
I have about 3-4 low cost players that should gain money over the next 3-4 weeks. If they don't I'm screwed. At the moment, I don't need to trade as I have 21 fit players. So let's see how this round goes. I know that I don't have enough players for round 13 so I definitely need to trade around round 11-12.
I’ve managed to bank 3 trades this week and scoring 17 players. No happy with two scorers so far (cheese & may), whom I’ll both punt next week. Always looking ahead to byes now, but not just ignoring players that have value that aren’t playing round 13 too. Too many players laser focus on round 13 and miss potential keepers at a discount
I am thinking of not making an effort for the origin rounds, I will be losing 4-5 of my best players to Origin duties and without them I can't win. EG if I replace Cleary with Strange for Origin I will lose my H2H. I also lose Payne Haas
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