Social 🆚 NZWarriors NRLFantasy Competiton 2024

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How will a head to head league work if we move leagues mid season? Is it even possible to do?

The points league, where everyone can join is probably the best indicator of the 'Top' player.

Not possible, no. You would have to create a new league, which is silly IMO.
Season by season is best but perhaps not feasible due to people 'giving up'.

I guess the way around that would be to promote/relegate the top/bottom 4 people who confirm they're playing next year.

I.e the bottom 2 players from the OG league give up half way through 2023, you'd then relegate the bottom 4 who are playing the next year. So, you'd skip the 2 players not playing again and then pick the next bottom 4.

A bit rough, as you can be relegated If you come 5th or 6th from last, but thems the breaks unfortunately
I guess the way around that would be to promote/relegate the top/bottom 4 people who confirm they're playing next year.

I.e the bottom 2 players from the OG league give up half way through 2023, you'd then relegate the bottom 4 who are playing the next year. So, you'd skip the 2 players not playing again and then pick the next bottom 4.

A bit rough, as you can be relegated If you come 5th or 6th from last, but thems the breaks unfortunately
Isn't the Overrun League the higher quality league?
NRL Fantasy is massively inflexible, would say almost impossible to shake the league up mid season.

I have no idea how I'm winning this comp, my team has been rubbish until last week. I am 1 and 4 in my other league, unbeaten here :LOL: Nothing wrong with this league guys..
As organiser of this fantasy forum competition I am vetoing against any mid season transfer or shake up
We can discuss end of season promotion relegation however. If someone drops out then the next ranked person gets promoted instead. We would need to do the promotion relegation in March of next year when we get a list of who wants to play again and what new players want to join and who wants to drop out.

I am not convinced we need promotion relegation if everyone enters the overall league as well though. But open to it to discuss but absolutely not mid season.
If we do promotion relegation next year (not this year as mentioned) I think it should be top 6 go up and bottom 6 down.
If one of the top 6 drops out then 7th or 8th etc gets promoted instead
If one of the bottom 6 drops out then no problems they just get replaced by a promoted person and new person / sign up is placed into the Over run league.
I also want new names next year OG is ok but I want something more complementary than Overun run league.
Open to suggestions for names...

I think 6 is the sweet spot for promoting as we might end up going to 8th spot anyway per my explanation above.
Pumped for this match Bulldogs vs Storm
This could be a game for the ages if dogs get up. I have two dogs in my fantasy team.
Absolutely not keen on promotion/relegation installed mid-season (not that, er, I'd benefit from it as of now!)
Wouldn't mind it next season, if it's 12 teams each league I'd go for four promotion/relegation but Wrighty's call for 6 seems fine.
Here's another thought: does the NRL do Fantasy for October Internationals ie the Pacific Championship? if they do: Take the Winner of The League and the Winner of The Overun League and have them go H2H over that period..."Rep Honours" for the "NRL's Best"!
As to Names: Premier League and Championship is fine with me...
It appears I may have lost The Desktop!
I'd say The Dressing Room but of course I don't have one...
Sitili Tupouniua with 3...
Thank eff I've got no Board to give me "their full and unshakeable support"...
On Stuff Today:
BREAKING NEWS: Maryhill-Maggots Caught Up In Steroid Scandal! Expelled from Competition!

515-110. She's a tight game, this 'un, not too much in it...
They don't like their Fantasy Football, the Reservoir Dogs fans, Rabs, to seriously paraphrase Gus Gould from several seasons back....
Not while I'm part of it....
Fairly okay with my 13 but Granville's a bit underpar methinks and I'm seriously considering Egan next week over one of my WFBs on my Bench with $220k in the kitty.
I guess with my $220k there's not the same need to trade Tedesco as I had when I only had $1k when Cleary went down, but while Tedesco is a Top Class $688k sitting on his butt adding nothing, it's still $688k I could use elsewhere if he doesn't come right.

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I vote you trade tedesco - for a high priced lock who gets 55+ per game
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