My uneducated take to me
Metcalf is a natural ball runner, up until they put the 7 jersey on him his first instinct was to its looking to set up play outside him. Once he learns to balance that out and realizes one of the best ways he can open up space for his outsides is to run, the attack might flow smoother and open up more oppertunities.
Also he's yet to gain understanding of tempo. Changing tempo can open up defences a lot more than just going full pedal to the floor everytime. TMM plays with great tempo going from fast to slow or slow to fast hence why he puts runners into space often. This however only comes with experience and can take a long time to realize......look how long it took SJ to get it.
Webby and the club are all in on
Metcalf so even if the results dont necessarily go our way their going to give him all the time he needs, so injury apart i think he's got the 7 jumper all season.