Since it's live on TV I've gone Wahs H2H. Incidentally, don't know why Super Rugby don't show their pre-seasons live but their loss IMO.
Really just looking to see we don't look too inept and that nobody breaks anything.
Right side/Left side halves thing. On the one hand I like it simply because I don't know if the 6 on my shirt/7 on my shirt means anything these days (if it ever did) but is says "Lots of practice to get things right required"...
Said metcalf will be the main one calling the shots but yeah the per side halves strategy can lead to a lot of confusion esp for a pair who have hardly played together.
Nah for some weird reason he wants your American cousin Defense who hasn't played a game of league in his life. The youth of today, too much Air Jordans and not enough Swandri/black singlets.