General Mt Smart Stadium

The promo material has enhanced end stands, a new north stand that looks like the redeveloped south side and a retractable roof… that caters for rugby, league, cricket and football. Opportunity missed to turn it into a rectangle ground and set up cricket elsehwere in Auckland. Cricket at Eden Park is an embarassing joke!
Exactly. I am very pro Waterfront Stadium, but I would not mind the Eden Park bid if they did away with Cricket and nailed the "club mode".

8000 capacity. Jesus that’s setting expectations low isn’t it!!!
A few people saying that 8k is a typo/incorrect, and should read as 18k.
When Auckland FC were announced, Bill Foley kept talking about building a 17.5k stadium

Half of the articles I see these days about Eden Park are the locals having another whinge about how their lives are being affected by events at the stadium they decided to move next to 😅

Surely government isn't trying to get MORE events there, how rude!
we're always like oh little old New Zealand can't afford anything - Auckland is a big place, greater population than places like Munich, Amsterdam, Philadelphia* and is still growing faster than the rest of the country. It can afford a modern flagship stadium if there was any vision at all and not just looking after mates and old boys in back rooms.

* some of these places will have extensive suburban hinterland around the "city" area that pushes the population higher

Auckland stadium contest between Eden Park and waterfront proposals dragging into 2025​

By Bernard Orsman
Auckland Reporter·NZ Herald·
21 Dec, 2024 05:00 AM5 mins to read

Eden Park's capacity would lift to 60,000 under the 2.1 vision.

Eden Park's capacity would lift to 60,000 under the 2.1 vision.

  • The contest between Eden Park and Te Tōangaroa to be Auckland’s “Main Stadium” will continue into next year.
  • Both proposals, likely to cost more than $1 billion, will report to the council with final feasibility studies by February 4.
  • Te Tōangaroa faces stakeholder approvals and height restrictions; Eden Park’s main hurdle is funding.
The contest to be crowned Auckland’s “Main Stadium” looks set to drag well into next year.

The Eden Park Trust, and backers of the Te Tōangaroa bid for a stadium precinct in Auckland’s Quay Park, have given council officers progress reports on their plans and promised to provide final feasibility studies by February 4.
An artist's impression of the proposed Te Tōangaroa stadium.
An artist's impression of the proposed Te Tōangaroa stadium.

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