General Looking for some old merch

I am looking for blue anorak 1694515286967.webp

Not this one but kind of like it. I think it was last season or one before. I can't even find an image of it on Google.

Would like S if possible

I am looking for blue anorak View attachment 594

Not this one but kind of like it. I think it was last season or one before. I can't even find an image of it on Google.

Would like S if possible

If you have a Facebook account, definitely post this up in NZ Warriors Buy, Sell & Trade, if you haven't already


You'll get a lot more eyeballs on it there- I can't speak to how often they are available but I feel like I see a lot of people hunting for those.
If you have a Facebook account, definitely post this up in NZ Warriors Buy, Sell & Trade, if you haven't already

View attachment 614

You'll get a lot more eyeballs on it there- I can't speak to how often they are available but I feel like I see a lot of people hunting for those.
Group won't let me in. I have like 3 friends in my facebook lol

Also on another note...are these fake?

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