I’d have Crichton, farnworth, Manu, & gagai as the form centres in the comp.
Crichton T-0.5 TA-0.4 LB-0.5, LBA-0.6, 11 tackles, 2 tackle breaks, 2 missed, 0.8 errors, 120m
Farnworth T-0.4, TA-0.4, LB-0.5, LBA-0.5, 13 tackles, 5 tackle breaks, 2 missed, 0.6 errors, 160m
Manu T-0.5, TA-0.4, LB-0.5, LBA-0.7, 15 tackles, 5 tackle breaks, 3 missed, 1.2 errors, 130m
Gagai T-0.4, TA-0.3, LB-0.8, LBA-0.3, 19 tackles, 6 tackle breaks, 4 missed, 0.8 errors, 150m
RTS T-0.2 TA-0.2, LB-0.2, LBA-0.2, 12 tackles, 4 tackle breaks, 2 missed, 0.9 errors, 160m
Tries manu, gagai, farnworth,
Crichton, RTS
Try assists Manu Gagai farnworth Crichton RTS
Linebreaks gagai Manu farnworth Crichton RTS
Linebreak assists Manu. Crichton farnworth gagai rts
Tackles gagai Manu farnworth RTS Crichton
Tackles breaks gagai Manu farnworth RTS Crichton
Missed tackles gagai Manu Crichton farnworth rts
Errors Manu rts gagai Crichton farnworth
Metres RTS farnworth gagai Manu Crichton
RTS is clearly the worst of this bunch, but for all the shit he gets for being ‘useless’ isn’t accurate. The players I mentioned are all playing for top 8 sides or right on the 8, in better attacking sides. Statistically RTS runs for the most metres and misses the least amount of tackles (in a team that is losing more games than winning). It’s his attacking that has let him down, but to be fair most in the warriors have been abysmal in this category.
The comps leading teams centres:
Tago T-0.4, TA-0.3, LB-0.6, LBA-0.5, 17 tackles, 2 tackle breaks, 3 missed, 1.2errors, 130m
Meaney T-0.3, TA-0.1, LB-0.4, LBA-0.3, 17 tackles, 6 tackle breaks, 4 missed, 0.8 errors, 100m
Just for a comparison.