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Staff Andrew Webster

Coach Grade
  1. NRL Head Coach
Date of Birth
Jan 17, 1982
Birth Location
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
  1. 🇦🇺 Australia
Warriors Debut Date
Mar 3, 2023
Warriors Debut Details
March 3 2023, Round 1 vs Newcastle Knights at SKY Stadium, Wellington, New Zealand
Warriors Years Active
  1. 2015
  2. 2016
  3. 2023
  4. 2024
Signed From
Penrith Panthers (Assistant Coach)
Rugby League Project
IMHO Webby might be good at lots of things but hes absolutely terrible at risk analysis.
I think he’s got a big task too though in managing these young guys and exposing them to the right amount of first grade and earning it. To likes of ourselves as fans watching on and what we think is obvious when a group of young guys comes in and picks up two great wins against opponents much higher than us on the ladder surely doesn’t go unnoticed by Webster and the coaching staff. I’ve said it before and I saw it just the other from someone pointing out the similarities between the 2019 panthers and where we are currently. I truly think this is all in preparation of the big picture
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Yeah I get it . We who condemn must be punished. Webster is not responsible for injuries, players making idiotic choices or the phasees of the moon.
So good luck to those supporters who still expect a miracle after 30 years. It's great for the Warriors to have that support & blind faith.
Perhaps we could ask question though -
about how efective our assistant coaches are ?,
what is the Club's attitude to injuries & player welfare ?
why so many current fans think Andrew Webster is the answer to 30 years of drought ?.
Oh & how the hell are we supposed to perform in Vegas with all these injuries & burnt out players ?
Not having a go at anyone biut seriously concerned Warriors are being targeted as the next failure team ( no offence Tigers fans). Fans need to be supportive but also realistic. This is a big investment for sponsers, fans & the NRL . What is the long term outlook if we continue down this path. Just asking
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We overachieved last year, and that meant that they went out to win it this year by adding some old heads in Capewell and RTS and ran it back. Considering AFB wanted out and we had no replacement for him at the time it makes sense.

Unfortunately the RTS centre punt hasn’t worked and SJ and Tohu couldn’t back up last years form due to age and injury. We haven’t been as tight defensively as we were last year.

We are in good shape with flexibility in our salary cap, Robinson has shown that he’s prepared to invest in the youth pathways which I would think has Goulds fingerprints on it before he left. The future is bright.

Webby has done a fantastic job so far and will take some lessons going forward which will set us up for the future. I’ve got a lot of faith in the guy.
Sometimes it's just not your year and there's little you can do about it. Hitting the reset button or throwing the baby out with the bathwater is not only dumb, it would be very self destructive for this club.

We over achieved last year, we've been brought back to earth this year.

Our junior pathways are now starting to develop properly but it's going to take time to bring through genuine match winners and game changers.

Sometimes one step back to take two forward is necessary and hopefully that's what we do next year (more likely the following year if players progress well).
Sometimes it's just not your year and there's little you can do about it. Hitting the reset button or throwing the baby out with the bathwater is not only dumb, it would be very self destructive for this club.

We over achieved last year, we've been brought back to earth this year.

Our junior pathways are now starting to develop properly but it's going to take time to bring through genuine match winners and game changers.

Sometimes one step back to take two forward is necessary and hopefully that's what we do next year (more likely the following year if players progress well).
Totally agree 100%
I would add tho that lessons must be learnt from errors made during the season from an outsiders view, re: recruitment and selection, the AFB saga and possible fractures, injuries, an ageing list, next man up mantra, bench rotation and blooding in the next generation.

Webby for sure, but are our assistants and support staff the best we can get, and have we got the right game plan for the cattle.

Next season must be a big improvement.
You wouldve thought the disfunction pre Webby of having 6 coaches (7 if you count Stacey) in about 10 seasons shouldve been enough for fans to realize the folly of the revolving coaching door policy?......guess not

Injuries apart the main failing i think he's had this season is not adapting his style from last year (which is common for new coaches especially when it was so successful)

The game plan was simple.....play for field position, hold the ball, kick deep, force the error......and then our red zone attack was all structure based.......sweeping plays, with multiple lead and decoy runners, all based off SJ choosing the right option of putting whichever player into space.

The problem with structure based attack is it can be worked out. U can recognize the patterns and adjust your defensive lines to cover. And thats what it looked like teams had done......they had worked out our attack, werent condensing or committing in the middle (not helped early on with a couple of vanilla non threatning edge backrowers Capewell and Ford imo) defence could just drift off and cover numbers.....and we had no plan B to go to.

I think to his credit he recognized this and has tried to introduce a more direct, play whats in front of you style (which changing attack strategy mid season is really hard to do) and while initially looking good (under Te Maire) we now seem to have this mish mash atm and a lot of disconnect.

Plus the field postion game doesnt work if your turning the ball over as much as we have this year and ceding the piggyback penalties.

Webby ticks a lot of boxes for me and wouldve learnt more from this season than last. It would just be continued madness if u didnt give him the chance to put those learnings into practice........nah he's the guy......(altho Webby i gotta say your bench use frustrates the feck out of me)
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My concern with Webby right now is his inability to get the boys fired up.

So many times this season the boys look flat. There’s zero intensity in their game. They look like one dimensional robots. They don’t look switched on.

Why and how to fix this has to be his goal for next year. Hes also gotten the team balance completely wrong this year. Even when given the opportunity to see the NSW cup guys step up against Penrith and Phins he still went back to the old formula of selecting experience at the expense of youth and speed.

But Webby is our coach. And I back him 💯
Just frustrating to watch him make mistakes that could have been avoided.

On to next year then. And Blood in the youth for the rest of this season.
My concern with Webby right now is his inability to get the boys fired up.

So many times this season the boys look flat. There’s zero intensity in their game. They look like one dimensional robots. They don’t look switched on.

Why and how to fix this has to be his goal for next year. Hes also gotten the team balance completely wrong this year. Even when given the opportunity to see the NSW cup guys step up against Penrith and Phins he still went back to the old formula of selecting experience at the expense of youth and speed.

But Webby is our coach. And I back him 💯
Just frustrating to watch him make mistakes that could have been avoided.

On to next year then. And Blood in the youth for the rest of this season.

Getting fired up for 24 weeks isn't sustainable.

Getting individuals fired up is a different story but is usually an ingrained trait.

It is why I'm so looking forward to JFH arriving - he only knows one way and the team will feed off it.
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I don't really understand the fired up argument.

Not something you see from top teams. Good teams come out and get into their work - now there really is the proper argument.

Lethargic does not equal not fired up.

We came out and blew Sharks, Titans, Melbourne off the park and lost all 3.
So how would describe our first half performance last night - and our lack of intensity all season?

Why is Lethargic not equal to not fired up??? It’s the same thing in my books. Motivation, desire, intensity, urgency to do the 1%ers

Either way why are they all so lethargic if that is the word you prefer to describe their dead man walking mode?

Good teams just get to work? What does that even mean? And bad teams - us, don’t ? Please elaborate
Good teams know how to win ugly.
To win when they're kinda "Meh!" about playing.
To win when they're pissed off that the bloody bunker ruled the opposition player got the ball down so it's a try when they'd swear on a stack of Bibles and it's kind of obvious on the video anyway that he drops it just before he grounds it.
There's not really much wrong physically with any team that won't make the 8. Okay, maybe some need a little finessing ie more endurance work so they can turn that 20 minutes of pressure into more but generally, no, everyone's on the same level.
It's not getting cock-a-hoop that you've kept them out that set, it's all that matters is keeping them out out this set.
If we want to be a top team, we need to learn to play ugly, boring and making ourselves care.
So how would describe our first half performance last night - and our lack of intensity all season?

Why is Lethargic not equal to not fired up??? It’s the same thing in my books. Motivation, desire, intensity, urgency to do the 1%ers

Either way why are they all so lethargic if that is the word you prefer to describe their dead man walking mode?

Good teams just get to work? What does that even mean? And bad teams - us, don’t ? Please elaborate

Semantics bro.

If fired up to you means coming out and starting strong then all good.

The opening to Origin on Wednesday is my definition of fired up.

Not something you see too often in clubland outside of finals.

I would have thought getting into your work is pretty self explanatory. Completing sets, making your tackles - you know, what the good teams do...
I think Webbys the right coach .. we forget he inherited the old Brown, Kearney regime....when he first got the job, some players probably thought they were gonna get axed... he kept them and made them believe they belong. Nek minit playing finals footy..

Now this season, they still believed but that doesn't mean they're entitled to be in the playoffs. A lot of player weaknesses went unnoticed last year (As they do when your winning) so opposing coaches have noticed and found away to exploit it.

It's only Webbys second year, but he needs to experience these ups and downs. Hes now learning how professional he and his players respond when the chips are down....to deal with it and knowing how/when to make the right decisions.. All the great coaches have had terrible seasons at some stage of their careers..
He'll bounce back..
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Nobody with any sense is saying get rid of webby, but the guy isn't beyond reproach, different coaches have different approaches and nobody is good at everything. So no need to get your knickers in a knot if we point out perceived weaknesses or issues.
The fact is that the whole team hasn't turn up for some of the games, selections haven't made sense, youth has not been given enough of a chance, his favorites haven't delivered, the bodies in motion we had around our playmaker last year have stopped so lots to debate. The upside is he can get his team in the grind and we can win the yardage game most of the time which is something to build off.
So some positive but this year is a below par result no matter what hapoens from here so questions should be asked.
Webby’s goals for 2025:

Stop players getting injured (how?)

Stop refs being dogs (how?)

take the captaincy off Tohu, he can still play a role but not going to be on field enough.

Sort out the halves and the attack based on what they can or can’t do.

RTS-CNK are the same player at fullback which one is more capable of playing another position?

Barney - JFH is a great pack foundation which will make life easier.
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Semantics bro.

If fired up to you means coming out and starting strong then all good.

The opening to Origin on Wednesday is my definition of fired up.

Not something you see too often in clubland outside of finals.

I would have thought getting into your work is pretty self explanatory. Completing sets, making your tackles - you know, what the good teams do...
Ok maybe a better world to use is enthusiasm

Seriously they don’t play with any enthusiasm and the results show it.

Webby needs to fix it with more youth and better leadership
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