Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics

You have been rambling on for pages about the corruption of this Govt and centre right parties and you still are.
Fact is, there are law breakers in the Greens and Labour and you get very sensitive if this is pointed out, along with other lefties.
The human rights lawyer, champion for the underdog and justice spokesperson is accused of shoplifting and you want to sweep that under the carpet? It might just be a reflection of the woman she is.
Here's your message Dean
Seems a bit exaggerated, but feel free to provide some facts and evidence. Pathetic was being polite.


Here's your message Dean
View attachment 4863
Seems a bit exaggerated, but feel free to provide some facts and evidence. Pathetic was being polite.
Elizabeth Kerekere and now their justice spokeswoman. How much more evidence do you want?
You are full of criticism for anything associated with Act-National, supporting less than favourable comments about people that support them.
You are pathetic in your constant defence of anything the left has done and your constant rambling about corruption of this Govt.
Elizabeth Kerekere and now their justice spokeswoman. How much more evidence do you want?
You are full of criticism for anything associated with Act-National, supporting less than favourable comments about people that support them.
You are pathetic in your constant defence of anything the left has done and your constant rambling about corruption of this Govt.
You've stated the whole party. Elizabeth Kerekere is gone, through the Green party process.

At the moment, apart from the lynch mob, there is nothing substantiated on Golriz, and if there is, I'm sure it will be addressed.

Evidence and facts Dean. Thanks.
So much meta irony here I can't tell who's being unirionic
The one I really feel sorry for is the incidental victim in all this, Guy Williams

Imagine being a comedian and having all of this amazing, potential material.....

...but.... its your missus.... and you are already batting well above your average....
Political reality is she’s tainted. In all likelihood she will never be convicted and it will be swept under the carpet and she will donate a whole lot of money to charity or something when the PR people clean it up.

There been plenty of dumb behaviour on the right as well like Uffidell, where we all chipped in on something that was child’s play compared to this. Is it only right politicians we can criticise?
In a general answer to a couple of your posts wiz

Uffindell - violence reports. Are you seriously comparing the two? Either way mps should be held to standards and if PROVEN WITH FACT AND EVIDENCE to have breached those then the consequences should occur via the party and any legal avenues. That applies to all parties.

In my opinion all conspiracy antivaxxers should never become mps in the first place either, out of scope of this topic.

Off and on limits - well, if you take into account that mps are human, and there needs to be boundaries respected as per common law and just general civility and respect:
- Convicted offences - public domain
- Personal attacks and speculation - No
- Mental health, physical health, bullying, demeaning remarks - No
- Pony tail pulling - really not sure about this one
- Dedicated attack and black ops organisations within political parties - absolutely shine the light and shame them
- Corruption - 100% yes public domain
- Antivaxxers, conspiracy theorists, grifters - 100% shine the light on them
- Corporate shills? Bought out by the tobacco industry? Hell yeah

General decency really. At the same time, our democracy is under attack by those who seek to break down government and move to an authoritarian right.

I've also got no doubt there's a new wave of right wing black ops going on right now, that will be somewhat removed from certain parties. ZB has moved far right and occupies a Fox News like space now.

The left, whatever that means, are highly disorganised and quite frankly a bit shit.

Meanwhile the right are extremely well organised and financially flush - here's that pesky taxpayers union again - https://badnewsletter.substack.com/...itle&isFreemail=true&r=2rg7a&utm_medium=email
I feel like one day soon when the AI finally realises "f*ck this sh!t, here's all the crap your pretty politicians have been doing this past century, go crazy puny humans" and releases all the digital dirt from everyone everywhere on the political spectrum, everyone that aligned themselves as whatever political ideology will have some kind of "well sh!t what do I do now" political identity crisis. 😅

Edit: holy sh!t that "read this now" banner really makes editing posts on a phone ridiculously difficult 🤬
I feel like one day soon when the AI finally realises "f*ck this sh!t, here's all the crap your pretty politicians have been doing this past century, go crazy puny humans" and releases all the digital dirt from everyone everywhere on the political spectrum, everyone that aligned themselves as whatever political ideology will have some kind of "well sh!t what do I do now" political identity crisis. 😅

Edit: holy sh!t that "read this now" banner really makes editing posts on a phone ridiculously difficult 🤬
Clinton and Trump all over the Epstein releases last week, nothing happens, lots of Dems and MAGAs just ignore it, refuse to believe it or do whataboutism.
    Nobody is reading this thread right now.
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