Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics


So were the 359 who answered the survey good or bad journalists and if we don’t know does the survey have credibility.
There was 2 surveys, the other one showing each media outlet and their left or right lean.

Where are the surveys (any will do) that show a different outcome so we can compare?
So were the 359 who answered the survey good or bad journalists and if we don’t know does the survey have credibility.
Well, you've just said that what they are reporting is what good journalists should do so I'll defer to your judgement.

The survey was based on self reporting of their political leanings, not on what they were writing about, so whether they are a good or bad journalist appears irrelevant to the findings of the survey.

Regardless of that, there is still nothing to support the statement that the media in NZ is predominantly right leaning. I'm not sure what is so difficult to understand about that.
My point was that you have disregarded the evidence provided here based on the survey not capturing everyone. Yet you have posted previously quoting and referencing a survey that doesn't capture everyone to make your point. So either surveys are or aren't relevant.

Either way, in this instance I haven't seen any proof provided to back up the statement that the press are predominantly right leaning.
I gave an example of the American election to provide a scenario where polls were well off since you said all polls and surveys must be considered the same. Of course they must, unless you actually ask everyone, it’s just a guideline where some like my example are well can be potentially well off. 359 out of 1200 gave their response when approached, so they’ve spoken on behalf of 841. If the piece sent out gave them their findings of the 359, how did they come to find the other 841 people‘s views? Especially with a 95% confidence rating and such a small margin of error. Its guess work, just like guessing an election which sometimes is close as this may be. But to take it for gospel as some are is laughable. Also could you lead me back to my post where my statement is the press are predominantly right leaning?
With what’s considered the left, you don’t often see them as big gun enthusiasts. Perhaps it was just a poor attempt of humour with the props at hand? Perhaps not everyone that dislikes trump is left leaning? Very surprised anyone would think to offer that joke after apparent assassination attempts. Poor form indeed
To be fair, it was a year or so prior to the assassination attempt. Looks even worse in hindsight though!
I gave an example of the American election to provide a scenario where polls were well off since you said all polls and surveys must be considered the same. Of course they must, unless you actually ask everyone, it’s just a guideline where some like my example are well can be potentially well off. 359 out of 1200 gave their response when approached, so they’ve spoken on behalf of 841. If the piece sent out gave them their findings of the 359, how did they come to find the other 841 people‘s views? Especially with a 95% confidence rating and such a small margin of error. Its guess work, just like guessing an election which sometimes is close as this may be. But to take it for gospel as some are is laughable. Also could you lead me back to my post where my statement is the press are predominantly right leaning?
I asked the question should all polls and surveys be considered the same. The point to that question is that you yourself have quoted surveys to make points. All of this is in reply to the original statement by maybetop8 that the media is predominantly right leaning. Nowhere that I can recall have I said you have made this statement. I don't think anyone is taking it as gospel but considering there is zero evidence presented to support the original statement being discussed it does seem odd that you are at pains to point out that surveys aren't 100% correct. And in the absence of any evidence to support the statement, the fact there is evidence to the contrary, regardless of how much credence you place in it or not, would suggest that the original statement is lacking, both in supporting evidence and credibility. I'm happy to consider any relevant evidence that may support the original statement though.
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I asked the question should all polls and surveys be considered the same. The point to that question is that you yourself have quoted surveys to make points. All of this is in reply to the original statement by maybetop8 that the media is predominantly right leaning. Nowhere that I can recall have I said you have made this statement. I don't think anyone is taking it as gospel but considering there is zero evidence presented to support the original statement being discussed it does seem odd that you are at pains to point out that surveys aren't 100% correct. And in the absence of any evidence to support the statement, the fact there is evidence to the contrary, regardless of how much credence you place in it or not, would suggest that the original statement is lacking, both in supporting evidence and credibility. I'm happy to consider any relevant evidence that may support the original statement though.
I’m not one to send out the laughing emojis to try and belittle but I must admit I sat here and had a good laugh that we’re arguing whether polls and surveys are 100% correct. I think common sense answers that one. Thanks for clearing that up regarding the right leaning media too, wasn’t sure who you were insinuating with that one? If its going to help you get to sleep tonight to think all surveys, polls and this media being left leaning are in fact the case, good luck to you because I don’t think either of us can provide that evidence since in my view it comes down to a perception but I personally don’t put weight in the findings
I’m not one to send out the laughing emojis to try and belittle but I must admit I sat here and had a good laugh that we’re arguing whether polls and surveys are 100% correct. I think common sense answers that one. Thanks for clearing that up regarding the right leaning media too, wasn’t sure who you were insinuating with that one? If its going to help you get to sleep tonight to think all surveys, polls and this media being left leaning are in fact the case, good luck to you because I don’t think either of us can provide that evidence since in my view it comes down to a perception but I personally don’t put weight in the findings
I guess this is the problem. I'm not arguing that at all. Of course there is margins of error etc.

I don't think it's me that you need to worry about whether I'll get to sleep or not. Some poor bastard seems to be listening to Newstalk ZB and using that as an indicator that all NZ media are right biased.

I think media are basically balanced with leans to each side of the spectrum and people will find the news reporting that best suits their own views. In that survey of the 30% or so that's responded the skew was to the left. Whether that can be extrapolated out or not, those were the results.

I also think there is and has been a shift in the media to reporting more towards the sensationalizing of news, usually more towards negative than positive type stories in search of clicks and traffic.
I guess this is the problem. I'm not arguing that at all. Of course there is margins of error etc.

I don't think it's me that you need to worry about whether I'll get to sleep or not. Some poor bastard seems to be listening to Newstalk ZB and using that as an indicator that all NZ media are right biased.

I think media are basically balanced with leans to each side of the spectrum and people will find the news reporting that best suits their own views. In that survey of the 30% or so that's responded the skew was to the left. Whether that can be extrapolated out or not, those were the results.

I also think there is and has been a shift in the media to reporting more towards the sensationalizing of news, usually more towards negative than positive type stories in search of clicks and traffic.
Jack Tame only does a Saturday show on newstalk to bring it closer to the centre. There have been instances in the past of media and politics getting mixed up when Shane Taurima was sacked from tvnz for holding a labour meeting on premises, but that was a while ago now
So, every survey and poll would be considered the same then? I don't think it's inappropriate to post this survey as a rebuttal to an unsubstantiated post claiming the media is predominantly right biased. Considering the majority of articles this year have seemed to be anti the government and their policies, I'm not seeing any justification for the original post.
Anti? Being held to account is journalism. Maybe it's the lies, corruption and greed of this government you're embarrassed by
Anti? Being held to account is journalism. Maybe it's the lies, corruption and greed of this government you're embarrassed by
So now they are right leaning media and holding the government to account? I wish you would make up your mind. What exactly is your problem with the media?

Only thing I'm embarrassed for is you
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