Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics

For those on the right here - surely your conscience must be pinging with the massive damage this coalition of the rich are doing to our health system. Surely.


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I will leave it to the words of Bloomfield who knows more than all of us:

‘Ashley Bloomfield, the former director-general of health and one of the faces of New Zealand’s Covid-19 response, says constant catastrophising about the state of the health system is wearing down staff morale and undermining public trust in hospitals and medical professionals.

In an address at the Health Leadership Symposium last week, Bloomfield argued New Zealand was not alone in experiencing workforce shortages and mounting pressure in its health system. He cited articles from the United States, the European Union and the United Kingdom as examples of a global phenomenon of health vacancies.

We’ve been in crisis since well BEFORE National took over…

See below even older from 2022 about the health system in crisis. I could go posting crisis articles back since the 2000’s Labour govt because health has always struggled to meet demand and always will.

2022: Aotearoa’s healthcare system is in crisis, with doctors packed, emergency departments overflowing, and surgeries delayed.
I will leave it to the words of Bloomfield who knows more than all of us:

‘Ashley Bloomfield, the former director-general of health and one of the faces of New Zealand’s Covid-19 response, says constant catastrophising about the state of the health system is wearing down staff morale and undermining public trust in hospitals and medical professionals.

In an address at the Health Leadership Symposium last week, Bloomfield argued New Zealand was not alone in experiencing workforce shortages and mounting pressure in its health system. He cited articles from the United States, the European Union and the United Kingdom as examples of a global phenomenon of health vacancies.

We’ve been in crisis since well BEFORE National took over…

See below even older from 2022 about the health system in crisis. I could go posting crisis articles back since the 2000’s Labour govt because health has always struggled to meet demand and always will.

2022: Aotearoa’s healthcare system is in crisis, with doctors packed, emergency departments overflowing, and surgeries delayed.
Well I knew YOUR conscience wouldn't be bothered.
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Incompetence. Financially illiterate. Wasteful. Costing us all mega taxes:

A new Kāinga Ora complex has opened in Auckland at a cost of $1.2 million per apartment as one of New Zealand’s leading developers calls the public agency’s record of running up billions in debt a national scandal and embarrassment.

The Government says it now expects the state-run agency to achieve “better value for money” on future builds, while the Opposition accuses the Government of ignoring its success in building 14,000 homes in six years so it can slash future home building for the needy.

The agency yesterday allowed the public to view the newly built Meadowbank complex, saying it spent $11m on the three three-bedroom and six two-bedroom apartments.

That equates to $1.2m per apartment and rises to $1.7m if the about $4m value of the land already owned by Kāinga Ora is added.

One neighbour said it feels like the new public housing tenants will be living in greater luxury than some private homeowners on the same street.

Mark Todd, co-founder of developer Ockham Residential, believed the project’s cost-per-apartment highlighted the agency’s “incompetence and lack of expertise” and called reports it racked up $12 billion in debt in five years a scandal.

Kāinga Ora’s billions of dollars of expenditure in its five-year existence is a national embarrassment with what it costs to deliver each home,” he said.

He believed the agency should have delivered two to three times as many homes for the amount of money it has spent.

Yet more examples of Labours recklessness with our cash and general incompetence running the country. Doing things for double the market rate, racking up $12b in debt, over specifying better than the working taxpayer in the same street and taking forever to get it done… it needs privatising MaybeTop8 MaybeTop8 ? How can this economic mismanagement be justified?

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Rather than criticise others, why don’t you explain to the rest of us what actions you are taking? Other than just worrying a lot, what are you doing that others aren’t, because without additional context it just comes across a bit like you are jumping on your high horse at every opportunity.
1. Voting
2. Providing a non taxpayer funded service in these forums
3. Whatever I like
4. It's not my high horse, this government is ruining new zealand, creating an ever worse class and financial divide and enriching the already wealthy at the expense of everyone else. Oh and they're 100% corrupt
Please tell why we’ve had the longest recession in the world with the biggest drop in GDP per capita if it’s ALL a worldwide issue?

If it was simply a global issue we would have matched the global recovery with a short dip and bounce back. 🤔

And to be clear it has been a worldwide issue but each country has also handled it individually which has given variations in the outcomes in each country.
Because on top of global issues National has sacked thousands of public service workers and refused to fill vacant positions among frontline staff in healthcare and other sectors, and cancelled a ton of public housing, damaging the construction sector. And cancelled three waters so councils are having to cut back massively on public works and maintenance, which kills contractors. All of this to give Luxon a tax cut when he flips his many rentals. All of this kills economic activity and prolongs the recession.
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Because on top of global issues National has sacked thousands of public service workers and refused to fill vacant positions among frontline staff in healthcare and other sectors, and cancelled a ton of public housing, damaging the construction sector. And cancelled three waters so councils are having to cut back massively on public works and maintenance, which kills contractors. All of this to give Luxon a tax cut when he flips his many rentals. All of this kills economic activity and prolongs the recession.
All the above are prudent economic measures.
Please tell us how Luxon will get a tax cut by selling his rental properties?
I think one of NZs biggest issues heading towards 2030 will be how can we bounce out of this recession without immigration?

Im personally on the side that immigration needs to slow tf down, and let us catch up and the previous govt allowed far too many in, to prop up their GDP numbers. However, we’ve lost so much kiwi talent aboard, in their prime years (25-45) due to the shitshow that nz is in right now. How are we going to innovate and grow out of this recession when most of our talent has gapped it?

I’m seeing this out, I’m early 30s young professional living in Auckland, and whilst the grass is always greener, I enjoy nz & see a future here. But I am concerned with all this talent we’re losing, and that we’ve brought in far too many low skilled workers from overseas. It’s never made sense to me, aside from the fact that the govt needed to inflate the gdp numbers to look better than we were
Because on top of global issues National has sacked thousands of public service workers and refused to fill vacant positions among frontline staff in healthcare and other sectors, and cancelled a ton of public housing, damaging the construction sector. And cancelled three waters so councils are having to cut back massively on public works and maintenance, which kills contractors. All of this to give Luxon a tax cut when he flips his many rentals. All of this kills economic activity and prolongs the recession.
Very well said
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I would be interested in the everyones fundamental position on govts involvement in the economy.

I’m of the belief the govt can never perform as efficiently as the private sector. Government should only do stuff when it’s of national importance or to big for private. Eg. Schools/ health/ etc.

Ideally lots of stuff should be publicly administered but privately done - eg public housing should use private companies but overseen strategically by the public sector.

Examples of great ‘left’ policy include kiwibank and KiwiSaver under the previous labour government. To big for private and nationally important. Kiwibuild should have been a mix of public/ private. The last Labour govt failed so miserably because it was ideologically against any private sector involvement resulting in blowout costs and the inability to get anything done. They didn’t understand the public sectors weaknesses.

On the political spectrum I’m very socially left and economically right. I align most closely with Nz First on straight policy - although never voter for them due to the Peters factor.
Prudent economic measures? Only if you're a far right neolib landlord
Let's go back to Oct 2023. In your opinion how would you bring inflation back under control and how and where would you curb the govt spending and borrowing, and provide some financial relief for the population who are facing huge rental price increases, high house prices, low demand for products and services, increasing food prices despite being a food producing nation, etc etc
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Because on top of global issues National has sacked thousands of public service workers
That because the public service is adult day care for people who are unemployable in the private sector *majority
and refused to fill vacant positions among frontline staff in healthcare and other sectors, and
MaybeTop8s article claims the opposite. They are trying to hire to staff and reduce the reliance on temps and locums.
Because on top of global issues National has sacked thousands of public service workers and refused to fill vacant positions among frontline staff in healthcare and other sectors, and cancelled a ton of public housing, damaging the construction sector. And cancelled three waters so councils are having to cut back massively on public works and maintenance, which kills contractors. All of this to give Luxon a tax cut when he flips his many rentals. All of this kills economic activity and prolongs the recession.
Why have the reserve bank (not National) killed economic activity, which started for a year under Labour?

Because the economy was operating beyond its capacity which is the driver of domestic inflation (proof domestic inflation figures)

Do you remember the staffing crisis’s in almost every sector? Businesses closing because they didn’t have staff?

Honestly I would rather the Ministry of Education lost a few thousand staff back to the numbers they used to be so those staff went back to teaching in actual school and the kids have a teacher instead of obscene staffing shortages with the Ministry pooling staff…
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That because the public service is adult day care for people who are unemployable in the private sector *majority

MaybeTop8s article claims the opposite. They are trying to hire to staff and reduce the reliance on temps and locums.
Asserted without evidence as usual.