I went to a building industry candidates meeting earlier in the week. They started talking about what National changing the interest deductibility rules would effect rental rates and how much extra landlords would get.
The Greens spokesperson quickly referenced the CTU’s calculations that over 300 landlords making over $450 million per year. When it was pointed out that included non tax paying charities so they wouldn‘t be benefiting like that, he moved on to saying that Chris Luxon had a conflict of interest because he owned four rental properties and would financially benefit due to the changes to interest deductibility.
When asked how he knew this, he said it was because of information from a press release from Renters United. Problem with that is Luxon doesn’t have any mortgages on any of his properties including his rental ones. Luxon can’t benefit financially from the changes because he has no mortgage, so there is no conflict of interest despite what Renter United, the Greens, Megan Wood or Jack Tame would have us believe.