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Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics

Bullshit. This government are fucking us over completely. Manufactured recession.
Mmmm...... the recession lasted over a two year period.... an election hadn't even been had then let alone a government formed when it started.

TBH, any government anywhere around the world where countries are still recovering from COVID and have had central banks raise interest rates (including Labour if it had won the last election) are in a lose/lose situation. Interest rates are put up to slow the economy and inflation growth by causing one hell of a lot of financial pain and belt tightening. Any government which didn't look at ways at reducing it's only costs while expecting all private companies and all it's citizens pain, would be labeled hypocritical. Despite what some economists will tell you, a government can't spend it's way out of a recession.... Germany in the late 1920's proves that.

It's the degree of government cutbacks too spending that people don't like. Unfortunately, we're suffering more than most countries because our Reserve Bank went too fast, too far and for too long, before acknowledging that inflation was coming down. Couple that with a government which, IMO, is going too far with it's cost cutting and steadfastly refusing to look at any form of preventing wealth transfer, and we're going to take a lot longer to recover than most other countries.