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Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics

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love it.
i would like to add this that i think a lot could use as a reminder every once in a while. View attachment 9682
Unfortunately their decisions can impact on many things right across the spectrum. Like how some say cycle ways are a waste of money, and others say having a treaty revisit that apparently won’t go past the first reading is a waste. I feel like the forum would be aligned if the Warriors were government, but I worry there would be a mutiny in many seasons
Unfortunately their decisions can impact on many things right across the spectrum. Like how some say cycle ways are a waste of money, and others say having a treaty revisit that apparently won’t go past the first reading is a waste. I feel like the forum would be aligned if the Warriors were government, but I worry there would be a mutiny in many seasons
webby for PM would have 100% been a thing if this year was as good or better than last.
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Doesn’t quite seem the gotcha when we’re talking about a $13.7 million increase. Admittedly what was mentioned wasn’t the case, but that’s still massive when plenty of other areas are being slashed
One of the major projects they have been working on is the reforms to the RMA. Part of what has been proposed is to extend the provisions for major developments to be similar to the BOI (Board of Inquiry) process used to consider the Waterview tunnel development. By using the BOI model to consider the Resource Consent application for the WTD, it's been estimated that it saved the government between $200-300 million for the project and instead the RC application only cost $1.3 million according to a report prepared for the Infrastructure Council. That's just a significant saving just on one bill they've being considering. Perhaps an extra $13.7 M to bring those sort of savings just on one project could be worth it.

The same report says that a one-day delay for a small residential development, adds $4,000 to the cost of a project.... costs that are then passed on to buyers (when developed for sale) or renters in build to rent projects. IF the red tape group can reduce the processing time for applications that will lead to more stable house prices, and, in build to rent projects, lower long-term leases.

Again, from the same report, a renewable wind farm said that it's costs applying for a RC would have been reduced by a third and generation brought forward if changes to the RMA were implemented.

HortNZ, in it's submission to changes to the RMA spoke of the cost benefits to Horticultural producers if better safeguards for water discharge and harvesting were adopted in the RMA. They wanted better water quality.... the very opposite of what we're told changes to the RMA would bring about.

And these are just some of the changes recommended to the group considering red tape. Maybe, just maybe, their budget increase might be worth it.

Oh, and while the Regulation group got a $13.7M increase in their budget, Social Development went up $2.8B, Health by $1.7B, Environment by $1.19B.
or, putting it another way, the percentage of the entire budget that the current government is spending on Social Development has increased from 25.6% budgeted by GrantR to 26.7%, Health has increased from 15.2% to 17.4%, Housing/Building (infrastructure) has increased from 3.2% to 5.5% while the regulation group has increased from 0.013% to a staggering 0.094% of the total Budget.
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One of the major projects they have been working on is the reforms to the RMA. Part of what has been proposed is to extend the provisions for major developments to be similar to the BOI (Board of Inquiry) process used to consider the Waterview tunnel development. By using the BOI model to consider the Resource Consent application for the WTD, it's been estimated that it saved the government between $200-300 million for the project and instead the RC application only cost $1.3 million according to a report prepared for the Infrastructure Council. That's just a significant saving just on one bill they've being considering. Perhaps an extra $13.7 M to bring those sort of savings just on one project could be worth it.

The same report says that a one-day delay for a small residential development, adds $4,000 to the cost of a project.... costs that are then passed on to buyers (when developed for sale) or renters in build to rent projects. IF the red tape group can reduce the processing time for applications that will lead to more stable house prices, and, in build to rent projects, lower long-term leases.

Again, from the same report, a renewable wind farm said that it's costs applying for a RC would have been reduced by a third and generation brought forward if changes to the RMA were implemented.

HortNZ, in it's submission to changes to the RMA spoke of the cost benefits to Horticultural producers if better safeguards for water discharge and harvesting were adopted in the RMA. They wanted better water quality.... the very opposite of what we're told changes to the RMA would bring about.

And these are just some of the changes recommended to the group considering red tape. Maybe, just maybe, their budget increase might be worth it.

Oh, and while the Regulation group got a $13.7M increase in their budget, Social Development went up $2.8B, Health by $1.7B, Environment by $1.19B.
or, putting it another way, the percentage of the entire budget that the current government is spending on Social Development has increased from 25.6% budgeted by GrantR to 26.7%, Health has increased from 15.2% to 17.4%, Housing/Building (infrastructure) has increased from 3.2% to 5.5% while the regulation group has increased from 0.013% to a staggering 0.094% of the total Budget.
Lot of maybes and question marks in there Mike. I guess the proof will be in the pudding? Because going from $2.3 million to $13.7 million, you’d want to see results
Lot of maybes and question marks in there Mike. I guess the proof will be in the pudding? Because going from $2.3 million to $13.7 million, you’d want to see results
All governments have things I'd like to know if it was really worth it... John Key's flag debacle, cycleway/walking way attached to the harbour bridge, the missing billions "spent" on mental health, trickledown theory economics, Tomorrow's Schools, the first round of Charter Schools, the second round of Charter Schools, reviews into kianga ora, the Treaty Policy Act..... the list just goes on and on and on..... sometimes, you just hope, like in the case of the regulation office, they actually do get it right and we do see a result.

Damn, I just looked at that list and realised how much "wasted" things are actually brought about by the party constantly going on and on about government spending.... ACT!!!
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