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I don't care what they says. A business produces a service or product, it employs people. It does stuff. A landlord puts himself between a person and shelter and says I'll have a third of your wages if you want a roof over your head, you can't have a dog, can't put a picture up, can't grow veges, I'll mayyyybe fix your leaky tap eventually, oh and you can fuck off and move your kid to a different school in a year because i want to make some capital gains now, oh and on your way out the door you can pay 450 for a professional carpet cleaning before the open home, and no you can't have your bond back because the lino has a scratch in it.
That's okay.... I'll stop paying tax because you say it's not a service. Brilliant!!!

Do you actually read what you're saying? Not only can tenants put up pictures, they don't even need the landlords permission to re-paint a house. They can plant what ever they want (provided it's legal). A house only has to be "clean and tidy" when a tenant leaves it... tenacy agreements stating the house has to be professionally cleaned (including carpets) have been overturned in the Tenancy Tribunal... I know this because I've gone there to advocate on behave of tenants. It's the Tenancy Tribunal who decides how much of the bond gets held back and not the landlord.

And, BTW, a third of your wages to live in a house someone else owns is still one hell of a lot cheaper than over 50% that the median wage earners household pays for the mortgage for the median house in Auckland. A household would have to earn $66,000 more PA to only be paying 30% in mortgage repayments.

BTW, you still haven't answered the question about why you think my tenants should pay more rent if I wasn't able to claim the interest as an expense? Or don't you actually care about the tenants.... your idealogy only thinks about one side of what interest deducibility means.
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And new Auckland CVs coming next month - which might sellers expectations drop a bit.
I think a lot of sellers at the moment (whether it is residential or commercial) are looking at what prices and interest rates have done recently, and are realistic about taking a small haircut to move forward.

Previously they’ve held out to smash a home run on sales price. But a bit of reality is providing a lot of liquidity in the market

And yes, new CVs. A 3-yearly lottery to see if you have won or lost, in the eyes of Auckland Council
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I'm a homeowner. I care about people who aren't. You should try it.
me too.
i also care about those who aren’t.
in fact, i provide them warm, dry, safe rental accommodation to live in until
such time they are.
if they even want to be, that is.

you see people don’t generally move out of home as teenagers with enough money for a home deposit.
well, unless they have parents that can give it to them, but that would make them rich kids or privileged wouldn’t it?

we hate that.
    Nobody is reading this thread right now.
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