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Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics

What do you sign in the course of become employed? In any case youre wrong.

A grievance is a harm or distress incurred by an individual or employee. In this lesson you will learn the definition of a grievance, what determines legal standing, and policies and procedures for addressing grievances.
You've had to scour around til you found an American definition and it still says employees and individuals. Irrelevant to iwi crown relations.
You're asserting that without evidence or expertise.
I have experience in achieving success from an unprivileged background and one thing I know is dwelling on the ancient past and seeing more new grievances because of a document that was signed about 8 generations ago is like a cancer that will eat you away.

My race/ sexuality, etc don’t define me and I believe I benefit from this view.
I have experience in achieving success from an unprivileged background and one thing I know is dwelling on the ancient past and seeing more new grievances because of a document that was signed about 8 generations ago is like a cancer that will eat you away.

My race/ sexuality, etc don’t define me and I believe I benefit from this view.
Sweet. I'm gonna burgle you. You won't seek justice I'm sure because that would be dwelling on past grievances. You'll move on and pull yourself up by your boot straps I'm sure.
Sweet. I'm gonna burgle you. You won't seek justice I'm sure because that would be dwelling on past grievances. You'll move on and pull yourself up by your boot straps I'm sure.
8 generations ago bro.

Just personal opinion - there are some complex family crimes (from extended family experience) where it really is better to heal and move on rather than eat yourself up trying to get justice. The pain is simply not worth it.

There are 7 stages of grief. Shock and denial; pain and guilt; anger and bargaining; depression; the upward turn.; reconstruction and working through; acceptance and hope.

You want to get to acceptance and hope to move forward. This is the only way to self actualisation, healing and making progress in life. Many Maori seem to still be in the anger, bargaining and depression stages. Is it really worth it or is it better to have closure and move on.

As I said previously the treaty (or any grievance with no short term solution) can eat away at you like a cancer.

No point in winning the battle (even if your right) and paying for it by losing a war (long term misery to get there).
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The treaty isn't a grievance it's an agreement. It was signed eight generations ago and has been breached continuously ever since. It's a living document. You can't just wash your hands of it. Māori want the treaty honoured. They're not after self help platitudes.
The treaty isn't a grievance it's an agreement. It was signed eight generations ago and has been breached continuously ever since. It's a living document. You can't just wash your hands of it. Māori want the treaty honoured. They're not after self help platitudes.
Christ Finlayson calls people exhibiting the exact behaviour of some of the posters here "The Sour Right" or "the KKK Brigade"
This is the National Party Attorney General and Treaty Negotiator.
Sweet. I'm gonna burgle you. You won't seek justice I'm sure because that would be dwelling on past grievances.
The treaty isn't a grievance
I give up 🤷‍♂️

It’s been fun and I actually appreciate the points of difference without getting emotionally caught up in it all.

Let’s agree to disagree on this one. Neither of us is going to change our view point and there’s nothing wrong with that 👍