Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics

People need to take a step back and think "what's the problem being solved?" Hungry kids not learning? Or fussy kids not eating?
I like your thinking - context is completely being missed here.

For example - yes, the whole sushi being woke thing is a joke. At face value there is an implied insult that sushi is posh, privileged, elite even. And that free school lunches are elitism, and that those who eat sushi are elite and therefore....what? Undeserving?

So there might be some humour there, there's definitely an insult. And woke - that's a sneer at those who are posh, elite, clever, liberal, think they're smarter than us, which really is basically the good old bigoted tall poppy that has been weaponised by the right around the world. So there's definitely an implied insult there.

Then there's the person making the joke - David Seymour. Of the Act party. Who are making a career out of weaponising "wokeness" as a way of ensuring any kind of counteraction to neoliberalism is shut down immediately. Is ostracised and isolated. Is sneered at. In other words, a manufactured culture war aimed at divisiveness.

In that context there's no humour at all, only devious, nasty ideological bigots.

And then there's what should be the main focus, which is the lunches themselves.

What are the facts here? They're remarkably absent. How much sushi was actually served as part of these lunches?

What's actually wrong with sushi? It's a lot healthier than shit white bread with some trans fat ridden meat and spread.

What are the lunches actually for? They're providing relief for kids who either have no lunches or families who can't afford to pay for them.

Has anyone asked them?

Or the schools? They all back them.

And will the replacement lunches actually be nutritious? Even edible?

So there's a bit of context which really makes the whole joke seem, well, at best childish, at worst insidious.
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Seen as we’ve had power shortages the past few years, with the Greens declared a climate crisis, how much renewable generation was passed under urgency by the last govt to address the under supply problem?

It appears they banned gas without a plan.
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The media negativity rolls on about anything the govt does.

Now sandwiches aren’t nutritious enough (more nutritious than food not eaten!)

Yesterday it was aghast at 3000 people making lunches potentially losing their jobs.

Today principle saying a hot meal is so much more enjoyable than a sandwich…

And the woke sushi angle.

The media’s scattergun negative agenda towards a better, cheaper, free system is laughable!

Is democracy healthy in this country when the media’s agenda floods us with more negativity propaganda articles than articles about the policy details?
Your posts on this thread would have more credibility if you stopped looking at things through red tinted glasses (in your case blue tinted).

Not everything the previous Govt did was wrong nor what everything the current Govt does is correct!

School lunches are provided to schools in low decile areas as some families in those areas are unable to properly feed their families, not only for lunch but for other meals as well so the program provides them with a reasonably nourishing meal (usually hot) for lunch.

The current proposal is to replace that meal with a sandwich and fruit and supporters of the proposal see that as being acceptable without considering what effect the lesser nutrition will have on the health of the children
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School lunches are provided to schools in low decile areas as some families in those areas are unable to properly feed their families, not only for lunch but for other meals as well so the program provides them with a reasonably nourishing meal (usually hot) for lunch.

The current proposal is to replace that meal with a sandwich and fruit and supporters of the proposal see that as being acceptable without considering what effect the lesser nutrition will have on the health of the children
There is lots of ways this could be debated:

Could/should the meals be more targeted to those in real need?
What about the struggling kids in high decile schools?
Should children be getting better, hot meals for lunch than you and me from the state?
Should low income families be provided with food vouchers to address the root cause instead if it’s really families in need?
What about struggling undernourished university students?

At the end of the day there’s lots of big picture stuff that could be debated but instead it’s small minded whinging about woke food; people out of jobs; kids ‘might’ not like it as much; it ‘might’ not be as nutritious, now it’s we need to compensate for missed meals/ failed parenting??? Its been a constant unfocused scattergun whinge attack without a clear central point..

On looking at issues with a blue tingle… I stick out because this thread is vocally so red/ green despite the thread poll showing National/ Act/ NZ First with me actually representing the silent majority on the forum 😉
There is lots of ways this could be debated:

Could/should the meals be more targeted to those in real need?
What about the struggling kids in high decile schools?
Should children be getting better, hot meals for lunch than you and me from the state?
Should low income families be provided with food vouchers to address the root cause instead if it’s really families in need?
What about struggling undernourished university students?
Now this part of your response is a more balanced post!!

So if we answer Yes to any of them (and I do especially the first 2) then we both should be criticising the Govt for not using the opportunity to totally overhaul the program.

In respect of targeting assistance one could also throw into the discussion pot:
  • Should all over 65's receive superannuation
  • Should all parents who utilise ECE's be entitled to have their fees subsidised
  • Should all doctor's visits be subsidised
etc., etc
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This is Simeon Brown. This is National

"Work on renewable electricity storage has been halted by Brown, however, as one of his first acts as energy minister. Instead, he has repeatedly pointed to gas as the tool for both peaking and getting New Zealand through once-a-decade dry years, when hydro lake levels run low and extra generation is needed over winter."
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This is Simeon Brown. This is National

"Work on renewable electricity storage has been halted by Brown, however, as one of his first acts as energy minister. Instead, he has repeatedly pointed to gas as the tool for both peaking and getting New Zealand through once-a-decade dry years, when hydro lake levels run low and extra generation is needed over winter."
I’m going to disagree and then agree. Stopping renewables is smart, especially in NZ. But pushing gas is retarded. It’s expensive as fuck.

Can you guys build out more hydro?
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And here's the coalition putting lives at risk with their destructive regression.

Thanks for posting this report. It’s interesting that they say that one of the primary reasons for Three Waters was because council’s couldn’t borrow sufficient money under the old system to upgrade their infrastructure but isn’t that what the deal done with Auckland Council is designed to do?

The new Government repealed the Water Services Entities Act 2022 introduced by the Labour-led Government, which was designed to overcome the challenges for councils in raising sufficient funds and other limitations to delivering water infrastructure. (from the “Repeal of Three Waters” section of the report).