Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics

I kinda get your point but also don't get it at the same time. And its not a dig, you are entitled to do with your vote as you wish, including not using it.

I will be voting National, not a surprise, and they would have to be absolutely terrible in their term for me to look at other parties next election - but I will judge them on their results. The bit I don't get is that Labour is exactly there now. So, in my mind, people either don't accept that we are in the shit, think Labour is actually doing an ok job, just will never vote for a right wing party or simply don't like the personalities of the opposition. Or maybe even a combination of some of those. For me, if you realise that what is currently there is terrible then not voting is actually a vote in itself to not change it. And that's completely fine, its your choice. You have clearly decided though that the current set up isn't delivering, which it isn't and on so many issues. I cant recall the country being in such a poor state, and across seemingly every area, than this.

So, I'll take being less shit than the current shit anyday. It's an improvement and a step in the right direction IMO. The reality is that we are in for a few years of struggle before any policy changes can take effect. If the Government doesn't change we are just delaying it further and making the situation worse.

If someone hasn't decided already, given the state we are in then I would suggest they aren't going to be swayed in the next couple of months.

Sort of feel like Nathan Brown is the incumbent and we know he is shit and not delivering but the next available option, while better, isn't likely to get us to the finals either. I'll take the next option because we cant continue to be that shit, and any improvement is better. And who knows, you might actually end up with an Andrew Webster. Let's go Warriors :D
I presume your post is for my attention and thanks I understand where you are coming from.
Disappointed we have to settle for the lesser of two evils. We all deserve better like a finance person who is not just a journalist but someone who actually has experience and finance qualifications .
Lots can happen in the next 40 days and I will take my own time.
From my experience some people are ingrained through family members or professions on their political choices.
Not who is best for the country at any point in time.
But hey thanks


The government currently spends $150b per year so $600b over the next 4 years.

Labour has found a massive $4b in savings over the next 4 years - so actually an almost irrelevant 0.6% in savings.

National is proposing $14 billion in tax cuts. This amounts to a mere 2.3% of expenditure but is offset anyway. A relatively tiny amount. Honestly if China sneezing or goes shopping over the next 4 years it will have a greater impact that the total tax cuts.

And a few hundred million in details for the policy is 0.01% of our expenditure so it’s pretty much irrelevant.
All the nutters from all sides of the political spectrum are starting to emerge from their 3 year hibernation to go on to talk back again.

The best one so far is a pensioner saying he didn't like National's policy of re-introducing the prescription charges again (the fact that Chemist Warehouse and Bargain Chemist never charged them is irrelevant). Poor old guy was really confused as he thought that National were instead going to make us pay full price for their medicines and were going to do away with Pharmac and he couldn't afford to pay $45,000 plus for his diabetes medication. While the host, Marcus Lash (who is not a fan of National) tried to correct him, the old guy wouldn't listen. And it then started a long list of Labour and Green Party supporters phoning up questioning how people would be able to afford their drugs.

A little bit of wrong information can go along way.... as we discovered with some of the anti-vaxers during the COVID lockdowns.
Don't you risk the democracy nazis coming after you if you don't vote? Might have to be an invalid one.
Will, since the McGillicuddy Serious Party no longer exists, who else is there? The Legalise Cannabis Party? The gun holding HeartLand NZ Party? Social Credit?
Will, since the McGillicuddy Serious Party no longer exists, who else is there? The Legalise Cannabis Party? The gun holding HeartLand NZ Party? Social Credit?

Well if you are like me and a little bit cynical and disillusioned by the main parties, feel free to join me on the Opportunities Party band wah-gon (I gave them my ticks last time around and intend to again this year) ;)
The state we are in coming out of covid with high debt, a health system that is struggling, the cost of living increasing. Sure changes to the tax system either through cuts or changes in the brackets would help get more money in peoples pockets. It still doesn't help the overall picture.

There isn't much talk on the health system or how they will reduce debt. Most of our parties are promising great things like a divorced parent trying to win over a child's favour over their ex.

We get this every 3 years. The minor parties throw up some out there policies and often say some of them are a bottom line. The incumbent comes out with policies that they likely wouldn't have introduced if there wasn't an election.
Hahaha watching the debate from afar. My prediction; despite walking around with as much charm as a plank of Pinus Radiata, Hipkins with his piney charisma is preferable to the mouldy potato that is Luxton.

Hipkins with the Jarfin special .

Who says National don't care about the environment?
Meanwhile... Chris Hipkins announced these groundbreaking priorities for Labour:
  • Grow an export-led economy with a strong global reputation
  • Turn New Zealand into a Centre of Excellence for sustainable agriculture and agricultural technology
  • Be a global leader in renewable energy
  • Harness New Zealand’s digital creativity and expertise
  • Boost our premium tourism offering
It reads like one of those corporate team-building whiteboarding sessions
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