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This particular person raised flags in 2016 after being a person of interest for 9 years previously according to the report. Wouldn’t say it’s only immigrants being offered poor with plenty of Kiwis paying ridiculous rent prices and poor conditions also. Interesting that it tends to be Indian people often exploiting other Indian people in these cases.
There is a Kiwi grifter in there too. Well known apparently. They have not been doing any checks...it is obvious.
Is that it?

Hold on to your hat mate, I heard he actually believes people who have abortions are murderers :oops:
Wow! A person who has beliefs and a politician?!?! Weirdo. Imagine him getting in to parliament and immediately trying to change those laws... oh wait... he has already ruled that out completely.

So you found the Lets go Warriors embarrassing. You must really be blushing red with the state of the economy, health, crime, education and the broken promises of the last 6 years. Now THAT is embarrassing
Wow! A person who has beliefs and a politician?!?! Weirdo. Imagine him getting in to parliament and immediately trying to change those laws... oh wait... he has already ruled that out completely.

So you found the Lets go Warriors embarrassing. You must really be blushing red with the state of the economy, health, crime, education and the broken promises of the last 6 years. Now THAT is embarrassing
Touchy touchy....

I'm actually blushing that you think this disingenuous twit has the ability to fix the economy, health, crime, education.
Or you think no. 7 on the Act list is going to solve them?

The Nat policy that makes poor peoples lives worse is bad enough...
but lecherously trying to associate with a franchise you have no genuine connection with. Ewwww.
Touchy touchy....

I'm actually blushing that you think this disingenuous twit has the ability to fix the economy, health, crime, education.
Or you think no. 7 on the Act list is going to solve them?

The Nat policy that makes poor peoples lives worse is bad enough...
but lecherously trying to associate with a franchise you have no genuine connection with. Ewwww.
I'm blushing that there are people, and it looks like you are one of them, that seem to be happy to carry on the way we are. All good, I get it. You would rather a PM who says up the wahs than delivers anything. This current lot seem to be on the wahs. At least it looks like we will get the opportunity to see if this twit can fix anything. We already know the current people can't.
I'm blushing that there are people, and it looks like you are one of them, that seem to be happy to carry on the way we are. All good, I get it. You would rather a PM who says up the wahs than delivers anything. This current lot seem to be on the wahs. At least it looks like we will get the opportunity to see if this twit can fix anything. We already know the current people can't.
From my perspective I would love to think this twit would be able to fix the economy health education etc etc.
Judging by his right hand lady on Q & A on Sunday don't expect anything different.
She made a complete f up of her own taxation policy.
She has similar qualifications as Robertson basically and the right have been critical of him for the last few years.
If Luxon was not up to the job she's the next cab on the rank
I'm blushing that there are people, and it looks like you are one of them, that seem to be happy to carry on the way we are. All good, I get it. You would rather a PM who says up the wahs than delivers anything. This current lot seem to be on the wahs. At least it looks like we will get the opportunity to see if this twit can fix anything. We already know the current people can't.
I'd rather a leader who was at least a little bit genuine about their convictions and beliefs. Seems Luxon's strongest conviction is landlords should have it easy "Go on Warriors"

The prospect of a change of government seems to have deluded our right wing brethren - the quality of opposition is dire, just look at the Act Party list.
I'd rather a leader who was at least a little bit genuine about their convictions and beliefs. Seems Luxon's strongest conviction is landlords should have it easy "Go on Warriors"

The prospect of a change of government seems to have deluded our right wing brethren - the quality of opposition is dire, just look at the Act Party list.
I think the left seem to be deluded in to thinking everything is ok. It's not like Labour has had to reshuffle the deck chairs as ministers jump ship or play up. The opposition quality may not be great but it's still much better than what is currently running the place. Don't be afraid of change mate. It will be ok. Not perfect, but definitely an improvement.

The prospect of a change in government seems to have the left getting personal which is understandable as they can't stand on their results.
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