Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics

What's he actually done to move the country forward, apart from some wins for pensioners and being a capable foreign minister (apparently), and arguably been a steadying handbrake on some more extreme coalition partners.

This time he's got in by appealing to some right nut jobs in the Liz Gunn faction, and still appears to be doing nothing for them.
Not sure where I claimed he was anything but smart. Its been the Winston show for 50years. I have never and would never vote for the guy, but I admire skill and intelligence.


The best burn I've heard in regards to Winston's time in politics is from David Seymour saying in 30 years he hasn't achieved anything or something along those lines. That was before the 2020 election when Winston was about to get the boot.

Here we are now and they are working together. Politics man they have about as much back stabbing and strange alliances as pro wrestling.

Some of the funny news clips over the years of politicians not wanting to sky jump or whatever as the parachute or jump suit is the other parties colours seem like something petty from pro wrestling.
Are you suggesting he's just a malignant narcissistic who's been preying on a bunch of suckers all these years to collect baubles for his ego? Typical.
Racing industry was pretty fucked state 20years ago. What he did as Minister of Racing saved it and turned it into a pretty good earner for the country particularly with sales of stock.

Racing industry was pretty fucked state 20years ago. What he did as Minister of Racing saved it and turned it into a pretty good earner for the country particularly with sales of stock.

Things have gone backwards since then.
TAB sold majority stake in the major revenue source to Entain (reportedly the biggest betting agency in the world) recently .They're trying to up the stake money as our best horses are going to Australia and further afeild to race.
We are also dependent on overseas jockeys relocating here.
Betting continues to fall as does attendance
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Racing industry was pretty fucked state 20years ago. What he did as Minister of Racing saved it and turned it into a pretty good earner for the country particularly with sales of stock.

You mean he received a number of large donations to turn it around - corrupt in other words.
You mean he received a number of large donations to turn it around - corrupt in other words.
Great that you agree he turned it around.

It's now an industry worth around $1.5billion to the economy or 1.3% of the total domestic GDP.

What was it worth back then and where was it headed?

I see Labours Kieran McAnulty approved Entain to take over the TABs betting operations. Any claims of corruption there as the Minister for Racing?

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