In 50 years (2 generations) we'll have a bigger proportion of mixed Maori heritage through intermarriage. Presumably anyway. Non-Maori may even be a minority of Indian, Asian and European and other Polys. How will this affect Treaty arguments?As someone who is pro Maori but believe changes have been forced through to fast, I’m drawn to putting the brakes on and moving slower. But I don’t think a National debate is the way forward. We’re not mature enough as a nation.
But I’m after your view in the future - how does NZ look after say 50 years in regards to the treaty and race relations?
Do we want to move towards more separation as NZers (Maori are a seperate race/ culture and treated differently within NZ) with different outcomes and expectations; or do we want to all be kiwis with a strong culture sitting within the country with the same outcomes and expectations?
I believe Maori want to be treated seperate but also the same outcomes. I don’t know that you can have both.
Anyone have any projected racial demographics for future decades?
Of course in the event of a world war and the CCP or any other empire assuming governorship of the South Pacific in the next 50 yrs, any treaty with the British crown is void. Xi in particular has indicated his wish to de-colonialise former colonies, what that means for Maori who the fuck knows, we apparently hail from Taiwan originally, but I doubt it's good news for anyone else in New South China. Then again China's population is shrinking, India's absolutely exploding, who knows what geopolitics will look like in 50 years.
I'm 12% NZ Maori according to, which is pretty much what I thought before I took their test, 1/8th Maori. Yes, I gave my DNA to some faceless corporation to do who knows what with, it also came back 28% "Ashenazi Jewish People's of Europe", just in time for the next progroms after what the Israelis are carrying out in Palestine. What have I done.
That's a long-winded way of answering your question, tl;dr a democratic referendum on racial issues is always going to be skewed by the racial demographic of the voters, having one this year will have a bearing on a totally different demographic in 50 yrs, so what's the point unless we're going to repeat it every generation.
Disclaimer: I have covid, day 3 of positive test. Not actually sure what I'm talking about, might go back to my death bed, up the wahs.
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