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No such thing as a "right wing nut job".
Is there??.
Just what I heard on the news this morning. That means it's probably bs.
She’s a cousin who said it was a government conspiracy that she wasn’t able to join the vaccine protests in Wellington…. personally, I think it was the ankle brace while she was on home detention stopping her.

Perhaps she should have taken some of that tin foil off her head and wrapped it around her ankle instead ;)

Absolutely despicable this sort of shit. Would like to see harsher penalties for offenders other than not owning an animal for a few years brought in by government, especially with the amount of deaths that have been attributed to dogs up north in recent times. Not holding my breath on much happening around animal welfare with a resumption of live exporting on the cards.

And another one today, again 150 hours and 5 years of not being allowed to own a dog simply isn't enough..

"Animals should be companions only when a person has the knowledge, ability, and means to provide them with a good life – where they experience positive welfare and their physical, health and behavioural needs are met."
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And another one today, again 150 hours and 5 years of not being allowed to own a dog simply isn't enough..

"Animals should be companions only when a person has the knowledge, ability, and means to provide them with a good life – where they experience positive welfare and their physical, health and behavioural needs are met."
Fucking breaks my heart to see this shit. If you can’t keep and do the best by them, give them up. At least they might have a chance.
Really.... you mentioned NZ should follow South-East Asian countries (and you used South Korea and then Singapore as examples) to be supercharged economies because they investments aren't in property speculation, and you don't like it when you're shown to be wrong. But they're supercharged economies has been at the expense creating more properties leading to their housing being significantly less affordable than NZ.

I linked your post because it shows when you introduced random SE-A countries (highlighting South Kerea) into the conversation. Then later, you moved the conservation on to Singapore. The reason I used them wasn't to randomly pick them but to respond to you using the countries you introduced.

Because their underinvestment in housing to supercharge their economies has led to their housing becoming much more unaffordable than NZ. There needs to be a balance in providing all the needs of a population including housing.

Because their underinvestment in housing to supercharge their economies has led to their housing becoming much more unaffordable than NZ. There needs to be a balance in providing all the needs of a population including housing.

Sorry, but you started replying to me when I offered a solution "outside of the status quo" which wouldn't benefit landlords but renters.

You haven't provided anything for us to consider... only to offer up other countries as examples of where NZ should look at and then get upset when you're shown that their housing situations are worse than ours.

The problem you people like yourself is you don't see the need for balance.... which is why you refuse to answer one very simple question..... if the private sector doesn't provide the housing, who will? Kāinga Ora? Their current debt level is set to peak in 2033 at just under $30 billion and is due to be repaid by 2081..... except they won't have been able to repay it all and will still owe $9 billion.... and that's without committing to building more houses if NZ stopped it's "dependance of property speculation" as you love to say. That $30 billion debt is only covering the less than 15% of rental properties in NZ.... the rest is owned by the private sector. Even if a further 15% of the private sector was to leave housing to invest their money into "productive sectors" and that vaccum was taken up by Kāinga Ora, that would increase their debt to over $60 billion. Anyone want to guess how much of that will still not be repaid within the next 60 years.

Again, you remove the private sector, who provides that accommodation?

Auckland currently has a net migration of approximately 80,000 people in the year to September 2023 yet AC issued less than 8,000 CCC's (including apartments) over the same period. We're already not building enough dwellings and people think the solution is not to invest in the sector and to build less.... that thinking has led to the crisis in housing in SE-A as shown in the two countries you brought into the conversation.

The lack of rental properties is one of the reasons medium rents have risen by of $70 per week (11%) in Auckland. BOP, rents are up 10% because landlords reduced the amount of rental accommodation by changing them to Air BnB's as Air BnB owners can still claim the mortgage interest deductions. Recent articles are suggesting that rents will rise up even further because of the lack of supply to meet the migration numbers.
Is their housing situation worse than ours? Aren't the housing prices in those countries high due to share population density rather than lack of investment? Meaning land prices are elevated due to actual limited space, not limited housing supply.
Also what are their rent to income or house price to income ratios - compared to ours? Those things matter.
Korea's price to income ratio is low, similarly Japan - Singapore doesn't feature on the OECD database.

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Is their housing situation worse than ours? Aren't the housing prices in those countries high due to share population density rather than lack of investment? Meaning land prices are elevated due to actual limited space.
Also what are their rent to income or house price to income ratios - compared to ours? Those things matter.

View attachment 4736
As I said before, the HAI ratio in South Korea (house price to income ratio) is 20.3 while NZ is currently 9.9.
The rental ratio in South Korea amount on the medium take home salary required to rent the average house is 85.9% in a city centre while in NZ its currently 26.6%.

In terms of these ratios, South Korea has a much larger housing crisis than NZ.

Here's the link I provided before....

And here's three snips of the chart on that website above comparing NZ and South Korea.


And comparing Seoul to Auckland from the city chart....

Or am i contradicting myself there, Lol.
Anyway - Korea doesn't look like it's all that unaffordable based on the OECD numbers.
Worse than what you've found, we are repeatedly told that Auckland is within the top 5 most least affordable cities but it now seems quite obvious that it's not when you look at Auckland's place on the city chart I posted the link to above.

The amazing thing on that chart is just how many cities in the US are at the bottom of it.
Stats NZ says median weekly income is $1,273. Are rents actually 26% of that? Seems very low, what am I missing here?
I was wondering the same thing then I wondered if they had used the median household income per week. Infometrics say that NZ's median household income is just over $125,000 PA (or just over $2400 PW). Times $2,400 PW by 26.6% and that's $640 PW. A stuff.co.nz article says the median rent in July was $620 PW. Add $20 extra for a few months since then and $640 would seem about right to me.

Sounds low to me.
Based on the nz stats that the single median of $1273 times two and that gives $2,546 PW then factor in the gender paygap and I wouldn't think $2,400 PW for a household would be too far on the mark.

The latest stats nz figures for household median income was to June of 2021 and that was $110,400 PA so that was $2,130 so add 18 months of wage increases (at 8% PA) and that's back to $2,400.

No doubt when the figures are next released by stats nz, it won't be exactly $2,400 PW but I wouldn't see it being too far of it.
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Based on the nz stats that the single median of $1273 times two and that gives $2,546 PW then factor in the gender paygap and I wouldn't think $2,400 PW for a household would be too far on the mark.

The latest stats nz figures for household median income was to June of 2021 and that was $110,400 PA so that was $2,130 so add 18 months of wage increases (at 8% PA) and that's back to $2,400.

No doubt when the figures are next released by stats nz, it won't be exactly $2,400 PW but I wouldn't see it being too far of it.
Yes it would have to be a proportion of dual/multiple household incomes to account for 26% ratio. Very few rentals under $500 pw unless in Northland or Invercargill, hardly major cities. Invers is a province of Antarctica anyway, or should be.
Based on the nz stats that the single median of $1273 times two and that gives $2,546 PW then factor in the gender paygap and I wouldn't think $2,400 PW for a household would be too far on the mark.

The latest stats nz figures for household median income was to June of 2021 and that was $110,400 PA so that was $2,130 so add 18 months of wage increases (at 8% PA) and that's back to $2,400.

No doubt when the figures are next released by stats nz, it won't be exactly $2,400 PW but I wouldn't see it being too far of it.
Thanks mate. Is that before or after FPAs??
😉 😜
Sorry mate. Only joshing
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