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I haven't been following the thread, Does anyone have buyers remorse? Elections have consequences.
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Median income far too low. House prices far too high. Duh.

How about nz joins the real world and starts taxing capital gains, windfall taxing on huge profits, and actually having other forms of viable investing other than houses. That might be practical AND look after our citizens and provide them with basic needs.

Which is WHAT ANY GOVERNMENT should aspire to.

Instead we have a grifting conspiracy theorist as pm while his right wing extremist stooges from the other parties hover around.

Sometimes it’s best to stay quiet and have people think you’re dumb rather than keep posting trash and personal attacks and confirming it.
wait, BIG LUX is a conspiracy theorist?!
There are two main problems with capital gains taxes….. first, three of the four most unaffordable countries to buy a property have a CPT so having one doesn’t mean that houses become “more affordable”.

The other main problem with Capital Gains Taxes (and wealth taxes) is the cost of administering the schemes. The cost for the collection of GST, individual and corporate tax falls mostly on businesses while the cost for the administration of the collection of CGT and WT falls mostly on the government. They don’t offer the financial return to the government..
It's capitalism!!! Build it into the taxes!!! Just like everyone else does! It's amazing how many protest against this yet so many other countries in the world just get on with it
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I can't answer that Juju. What western countries have different tax rates for different sectors?
I support the reforms of the 1984-1990 Labour Govt, accepting not everything they got right.
The big problem as I see it is that we are controlled by the bureaucracy of local and central govt that apply a cost plus mentality to everything they do. On top of that the we are shafted by monopolies, duopolies and cartels that supply food , building products and fuel. Not much is done to break these down. Govt tenders are structures so the encumbents can not be challenged.
On a local note, this mornings Herald reported the " Kaikohe Tooth Fairy" fined $7k for repairing and making dentures without the necessary certification. I know the little hamlet this lady lives and works in and it is Northland poor, probably one of the poorest in NZ. Anyway, she was very skilled at making dentures and could do them for a third of the usual cost or less. Her customers were almost exclusively poor Maori. Many of her customers were referred to her by WINZ and WINZ paid. However, some Northland dentists got wind of her activities and complained to the Ministry of Health that she was uncertified and eventually she was raided by them and Police hoping to squash her good work. She carried on and seems to have been made an example of to a degree.
I get there has to be rules and regulations but to me this is an example of a cartel ( dentists ) flexing their muscles to destroy this ladies work and theey have enough of their own. In fact, most dentists up here are now part of a nation wide franchise. The sad part is many of her customers can not afford dentists prices even with WINZ help. A better solution would have been to help her get the certification while still making her dentures.
Sorry for the rant but this is a small example of how people are ripped off by channeling customers to established entities.
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I can't answer that Juju. What western countries have different tax rates for different sectors?
I support the reforms of the 1984-1990 Labour Govt, accepting not everything they got right.
The big problem as I see it is that we are controlled by the bureaucracy of local and central govt that apply a cost plus mentality to everything they do. On top of that the we are shafted by monopolies, duopolies and cartels that supply food , building products and fuel. Not much is done to break these down. Govt tenders are structures so the encumbents can not be challenged.
On a local note, this mornings Herald reported the " Kaikohe Tooth Fairy" fined $7k for repairing and making dentures without the necessary certification. I know the little hamlet this lady lives and works in and it is Northland poor, probably one of the poorest in NZ. Anyway, she was very skilled at making dentures and could do them for a third of the usual cost or less. Her customers were almost exclusively poor Maori. Many of her customers were referred to her by WINZ and WINZ paid. However, some Northland dentists got wind of her activities and complained to the Ministry of Health that she was uncertified and eventually she was raided by them and Police hoping to squash her good work. She carried on and seems to have been made an example of to a degree.
I get there has to be rules and regulations but to me this is an example of a cartel ( dentists ) flexing their muscles to destroy this ladies work and theey have enough of their own. In fact, most dentists up here are now part of a nation wide franchise. The sad part is many of her customers can not afford dentists prices even with WINZ help. A better solution would have been to help her get the certification while still making her dentures.
Sorry for the rant but this is a small example of how people are ripped off by channeling customers to established entities.
I agree it's a bit over the top to destroy her business if she's fulfilling a need, and can make suitable product.
Did you vote for any of the parties that were offering free dental as a policy?
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miket12 miket12, you work in the industry.
What would help bring house prices down in your opinion?
Increasing sector capacity (labour & materials, more capacity in alternative building methods - modular)?
Would MDRS have helped?
Do we need to break up Fletchers?
Land tax?
All of the above.
Sorry mate, just about to head out for a client meeting. Good questions…. I’ll give it some thought and answer it tomorrow.
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It's capitalism!!! Build it into the taxes!!! Just like everyone else does! It's amazing how many protest against this yet so many other countries in the world just get on with it
TBH, like how I’ve answered it before, I’d prefer an inheritance tax over estates (including trusts) when they’re over a certain size. Far easier to administer and the return to the government is far greater than the percentage return than for wealth taxes or capital gains taxes.

Any money gifted to a registered charity would not be included but all other be taxed before the funds/items/property is distributed.
TBH, like how I’ve answered it before, I’d prefer an inheritance tax over estates (including trusts) when they’re over a certain size. Far easier to administer and the return to the government is far greater than the percentage return than for wealth taxes or capital gains taxes.

Any money gifted to a registered charity would not be included but all other be taxed before the funds/items/property is distributed.
Quick question Miket12.
Isn't that how the Public Trust works?
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This thread definitely had gone too toxic and it’s good to see one of the protagonists delete his posts yesterday after completely losing the plot.
Admin removed it actually.

The post you're talking about was actually a reference to the to and fro with Inruin over the years, but the humour was a bit on the nose admittedly.
I can't lie though, the moral outrage was amusing after some of the drivel posted over the years.

I didnt see you saying the thread was toxic when Inruin was posting about JAs teeth or the Wiz ranting about Robertson's Dad (or numerous other odd tangents over the years).
Admin removed it actually.

The post you're talking about was actually a reference to the to and fro with Inruin over the years, but the humour was a bit on the nose admittedly.
I can't lie though, the moral outrage was amusing after some of the drivel posted over the years.

I didnt see you saying the thread was toxic when Inruin was posting about JAs teeth or the Wiz ranting about Robertson's Dad (or numerous other odd tangents over the years).
I wasn’t referring to your post, however good to hear the background re the humour with inruin coz that post did look a little shithouse.
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Hey just on the banks, RBNZ have return on equity for the NZ component of banking profits & capital at around 12.5% which is down from 25% around 20 years ago and about in line with the returns they make in Australia, perhaps a little higher but not much. It’s a good return but no way it could be described as excessive vs many other industries.
Huge personal bugbear being reversed. Well done National 🎉🎉🎉

The Government is amending the speed limit rules, which will see blanket speed limit reductions become a thing of the past.

Brown announced the changes today saying speed limits have been reduced using a blanket approach across many parts of the country by the previous Labour Government's Land Transport Rule, ignoring economic impacts and the views of road users and local communities.

Good to focus on the positives 🎉
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Huge personal bugbear being reversed. Well done National 🎉🎉🎉

The Government is amending the speed limit rules, which will see blanket speed limit reductions become a thing of the past.

Brown announced the changes today saying speed limits have been reduced using a blanket approach across many parts of the country by the previous Labour Government's Land Transport Rule, ignoring economic impacts and the views of road users and local communities.

Good to focus on the positives 🎉
Regressive Wiz. Can't wait for the kids to come and take over, the boomers are appalling.
Regressive Wiz. Can't wait for the kids to come and take over, the boomers are appalling.
Why is lowering speed limits on roads that are designed to a higher speed regressive?

Eg the brand new state of the art Tranmission Gully designed for $110kph has a dumb 100kph imposed on it?

That’s actually regressive and economic vandalism.

And who’s a boomer. I’m generation X