Politics šŸ—³ļø NZ Politics

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I am assuming that big Tobbacco would argue that heavy taxation and restrictions cause Ram raids.....we need more affordable tobacco with less tax and the same profit margins for Phillip Morris and friends?
Maybe the 'Labour soft on crime' and spiraling lawlessness angle helped them. Could have solved ram raids by taking smokes out of dairies as the previous legislation proposed though. Would have needed good security for the 600 remaining outlets.
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Im surprised this potential gun reform piece hasn't received greater attention. I've already written in expressing concerns around not having a gun registry and whether restrictions on automatic and semi automatic weapons will be eased. As an island nation with limited ports of access we are in a fairly unique situation to control firearms to a large extent. I would hate to see that compromised by easing of legislation.
To add to this. If you feel strongly enough about this, please write to your MP or give feedback through this ACT link (you might end up on the ACT mailing list!), or both.

To add to this. If you feel strongly enough about this, please write to your MP or give feedback through this ACT link (you might end up on the ACT mailing list!), or both.

So again, Tarrant the Terrorist would be able to access heavy weaponry under these changes as someone who was responsible, was on no watch list, is white, an Australian national (a friendly) a gun club member.

Total bullshit and you must be blind,

The only way to stop the next attack is to ban all Assault riffles.

Are Act going to monitor the mental health of their special category license holders? are they going to make sure they do not get depressed and turn those weapons on the rest of us?

That manifesto is total NRA bullshit.
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Gun Control NZ Expresses Grave Concerns About Coalition Government Commitments On Firearms

By: Gun Control NZ
Published: Mon 27 Nov 2023 09:42 AM

David Seymourā€™s admission on Sundayā€™s episode of Q that ACT wants to bring back semi-automatic guns demonstrates the party cannot be trusted with firearms policy, say Gun Control NZ co-founders Philippa Yasbek and Nik Green.
The ACT Party leader said on Sunday that under their proposals it would take around 5 years for someone who has never owned a gun to get a licence and ā€œgraduateā€ to accessing an AR-15.
ā€œThis is the type of weapon that was used by the Christchurch terrorist and which Parliament overwhelmingly banned in 2019. There is no public support to bring back these guns, and so ACT have had lie to the public about their intentions,ā€ says Nik Green.

ā€œThe ACT Partyā€™s ā€˜consultationā€™ document on firearms policy, released in the run-up to the election, made no such proposal, nor did the ACT MPā€™s Memberā€™s Bill from the last Parliament. This puts paid to all their empty words about ā€˜public safetyā€™ and ā€˜fairā€™ lawsā€, says Philippa Yasbek.
ā€œThis is what happens when you put the gun lobby in charge of firearms policy. ACT MP Nicole McKee was a leader of COLFO, an organisation that used to brag about its connections with the American National Rifle Association. In 2017, McKee personally advised the then-police Minister to ignore the bipartisan Select Committee recommendations to change the definition of military style semi-automatic weapons. If implemented, those changes would have prevented the Christchurch massacre. McKee bears some moral culpability for enabling the Christchurch attacks,ā€ says Philippa Yasbek.
ā€œWe call on the other coalition partners National and New Zealand First to demonstrate that they are serious about public safety and law and order, and reject the extremist ACT gun proposalsā€, says Nik Green.

The only way to stop the next attack is to ban all Assault riffles.
I donā€™t support allowing assault rifles again but just this year we had an attack in Auckland CBD.

A non licensed person with an illegally gained gun. Not an assault rifle but could have beenā€¦

Same as the smoking debate or putting less people in prison, these sort of ā€˜stop it and the problem will go awayā€™ laws donā€™t get to the root of the problem.
I donā€™t support allowing assault rifles again but just this year we had an attack in Auckland CBD.

A non licensed person with an illegally gained gun. Not an assault rifle but could have beenā€¦

Same as the smoking debate or putting less people in prison, these sort of ā€˜stop it and the problem will go awayā€™ laws donā€™t get to the root of the problem.

You are talking about a spree murder in Auckland Vs terrorism.

Two different drivers.

Tarrant did not snap one day, which is why he is in Paremoremo Max in permanent Cell confinement and not in Mason clinic.

He is an individual who is not suffering from a mental illness, he is a person who had an obsession with Automatic weapons, White Supremacy, that felt emboldened to cross the line between hating ethnics to fuck it I am going to show I am the REAL white power avenger.

There are no pills for that.

Fifty people died because unlike the Auckland case he had multiple machine guns.

The Auckland case I do not have unique insights into, I did not work that case, even though there is a possible stronger correlation with some mental health potential involvement.

Spree killers (not Tarrant the Terrorist) are often loners, who have been rejected by their peers.

I am wondering how you propose a Govt addresses that issue, or how mental health get involved, since on the face of it, there is no way of knowing out of the hundreds of thousands of loners, which ones are at risk, unless they telegraph it and say something / stock firearms.

I am a survivor of a spree kill style incident. Spree killings go back in NZs history as far as Stan Graham circa 1900, there have been multiple in NZ and I can certainly talk about that and what I saw with my own eyes:

They go back in NZs history as far as Stan Graham circa 1900, there have been multiple in NZ.

A guy I knew gets banned from our local country pub for acting up in there, loses his accommodation, splits up with his Girlfriend, ends up living out of the backseat of his car in a paddock for six months.

Small town, the pub being the only social outlet.

Guy gets kicked out of our Rubgy team for fighting, then turns on the Referee and punches him over, life long ban from Rugby now.

Same guy tells the Pub owner who banned him that he will F ing kill him for that ban from the pub.

This guy is not on any watch list, because apart from a random fight at Rugby that got outta hand, mouthing off about killing the Pub owner he has no serious criminal stuff.

A year later, he has managed to borrow a pump action shotgun = 7 rounds, and a possum riffle from a farming acquaintance to 'do some pest control'.

He saws off the barrel of the 22. then goes to an isolated spot and practices one armed use of the Pump action, the stunt one hand cocking and bracing the but against the hip while holding the 22 off the other hip.

On the night of the spree, he enters the pub, cases the place to check where all the people inside are positioned, we say hello to him, he just nods and walks by.

I won't go into detail from there except to point out, once he kills the person he promised to kill, he goes to leave, someone upset says something, he pauses, is full of the power of those guns and his total power over a group of people, he seems to have that moment where he registers that he has gone too far now, so he shoots the person who spoke out, turns and starts firing at me, I am running, end up trapped in a toilet, get called out, have to walk back out and face his guns, he cocks the Shotty and points it at my face, starts laughing then tells me to do stuff because he can.

Same guy goes to Kingseat Forensic unit as ordered by the Judge to determine what role mental illness played in his actions.

He is found to have a problem with White people in general, and not mentally ill, he is also found to have regrets about not killing us Maori's too because 'fuck it'.

Again, we are not going to be able to prevent all of these type offenders acting out.

The only thing we can control is not letting them have the ability to shoot fifty people. Sure we can make a happier more stable New Zealand, we can spread a message to of 'be kind' look after one another.....oh wait....we tried that, the woman who was the boss saying that ended up being the most hated NZ female in the world because she works for Black Rock and runs the UN and the new world order.

Happy days we now have far right Americans running NZ and it is critical therefore we protect the 2nd Amendment rights of all New Zealanders, it is protected under the US constitution, our new founding document.
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Gun Control NZ Expresses Grave Concerns About Coalition Government Commitments On Firearms

By: Gun Control NZ
Published: Mon 27 Nov 2023 09:42 AM

David Seymourā€™s admission on Sundayā€™s episode of Q that ACT wants to bring back semi-automatic guns demonstrates the party cannot be trusted with firearms policy, say Gun Control NZ co-founders Philippa Yasbek and Nik Green.
The ACT Party leader said on Sunday that under their proposals it would take around 5 years for someone who has never owned a gun to get a licence and ā€œgraduateā€ to accessing an AR-15.
ā€œThis is the type of weapon that was used by the Christchurch terrorist and which Parliament overwhelmingly banned in 2019. There is no public support to bring back these guns, and so ACT have had lie to the public about their intentions,ā€ says Nik Green.

ā€œThe ACT Partyā€™s ā€˜consultationā€™ document on firearms policy, released in the run-up to the election, made no such proposal, nor did the ACT MPā€™s Memberā€™s Bill from the last Parliament. This puts paid to all their empty words about ā€˜public safetyā€™ and ā€˜fairā€™ lawsā€, says Philippa Yasbek.
ā€œThis is what happens when you put the gun lobby in charge of firearms policy. ACT MP Nicole McKee was a leader of COLFO, an organisation that used to brag about its connections with the American National Rifle Association. In 2017, McKee personally advised the then-police Minister to ignore the bipartisan Select Committee recommendations to change the definition of military style semi-automatic weapons. If implemented, those changes would have prevented the Christchurch massacre. McKee bears some moral culpability for enabling the Christchurch attacks,ā€ says Philippa Yasbek.
ā€œWe call on the other coalition partners National and New Zealand First to demonstrate that they are serious about public safety and law and order, and reject the extremist ACT gun proposalsā€, says Nik Green.


From the far right News Channels polling of its own supporters

I guarantee you that the Police would give up on getting five hundred new Cops to not have to respond to AR15 incidents.

Act are dragging us all into their sell out of our safety for their personal gains.

Hope Seymour enjoys his trips around the world when he retires as a NRA speaker.

We cannot even control Meth importation in one tonne container loads, why are these people lying to themselves about controlling the import of AR15s by Mexican Cartel/Chinese Methamphetamine Triad groups that supply NZ???
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From the far right News Channels polling of its own supporters

I guarantee you that the Police would give up five hundred Cops to not have to respond to AR15 incidents.

Act are dragging us all into their sell out of our safety for their personal gains.

Hope Seymour enjoys his trips around the world when he retires as a NRA speaker.
We"ve got no shortage of David Gray's in NZ. It will be on their heads if more of them get their hands on automatic assault weapons but that is cold comfort for surbivors and an absolute tragedy for innocent victims
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We"ve got no shortage of David Gray's in NZ. It will be on their heads if more of them get their hands on automatic assault weapons but that is cold comfort for surbivors and an absolute tragedy for innocent victims

I think we all understood NZ has changed when a bunch of nutters started wearing tin foil hats outside Parliament and shitting on the grass, followed by a mass attack on the Police and fire dept live on NZ TV, and that stuff was just another layer on the David Grays.

One of the few things that we have going for us as a country is we are (soon to be were) putting peoples lives first over rich arseholes wanting to go to a gun range and play Rambo while getting kick backs from the US Military industrial complex's private arms sales division...the NRA...the guns for the people purveyors of mass murder for profit.

Act are selling us off to the US.

Incidentally that movie out of the blue is the most accurate depiction of being in a shooting that there is in my experience. I was rocked after watching it, the emotional part they captured in the people cowering and the guilt of the cop is all real and I feel really sorry for that cop.

The end scene where the Armed offenders squad smoking a cigarette while Gray is on the ground writhing is what we did at work after a massive fight, spark up and just drag in deep and say nothing, a group of silent men, letting each other find their balance again, no one breaking the silence.

In reality the AOS did not stand around smoking, and they resented that scene, but that actually does happen in bad situations eh, the first thing smokers do is pull out fags and have a deep drag.

I usually watch excellent movies again years later, I cannot watch that one, it is too accurate in every scene.
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I donā€™t support allowing assault rifles again but just this year we had an attack in Auckland CBD.

A non licensed person with an illegally gained gun. Not an assault rifle but could have beenā€¦

Same as the smoking debate or putting less people in prison, these sort of ā€˜stop it and the problem will go awayā€™ laws donā€™t get to the root of the problem.
I think we are on the right track currently. You have to wonder what certain situations would have been like if we hadn't cracked down as we had after the Christchurch Mosque attacks. (I also like how we have kept his 'infamy' to a minimum by not using his name). How bad would that downtown Auckland shooting have been if he had been armed more heavily than what he was. How bad would the retail crime currently be with more prevalent firearms available? It's actually not asking very much of gun owners in return for the benefit of being able to own one or more of them. Be licensed, register the weapon, keep it locked up in a safe place. Not particularly onerous and obviously the responsible thing to be doing. I also can't think of a legitimate reason for a member of the public to use automatic or even semi-automatic guns

I think this is a no brainer and has a huge majority of support in the country. Oppose the suggested changes and let your MP know about it.