Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics

Wrong thread but you seen much of that respiratory thing ripping through china? Biden made mention in america yesterday about concerns.
Ok thanks for the heads up, took a look at it.

Hard to say at this stage for the usual reasons, unreliable reporting by China and therefore even though what I read looks ok (the post Covid restrictions rebound of infectious illnesses when the masks come off) and the seasonal aspect could all explain it all.

Blocking flights from China is a chestnut eh, if it turns out to be something serious then you cop it in the neck, if you block them now, it is going to get around the world and into the US rappidly anyway.

Will be interesting when there is the next pandemic to see how this group of self interested money demagogues responds. Fortunately Jacinda Aderns era set us up to respond with the Covid response system etc, so at least if these guys fk it up they can copy Labours playbook.


It quite possibly would to you.

This current coalition is getting a fair bit of flak, some warranted and some not so much.

The new Minister for Space (and a new Minister for Mental Health) should be seen as a good, progressive move for the country.
Why? Isn't mental health just health? Should be treated as an illness and be afforded all the support physical iiissues get. We don't have a Minister for diabetes or cardiac health which kill more people I would think.
And space I don't get at all, what's the point? Do we want to make money out of it or do we seriously think we are going to live on another planet?
Maybe there is a good reason for both, would be good if they explained that when they announced it.
Corrupt as f_ck. Our democracy bought and paid for by Big Tobacco, the NRA and the conspiracy theorists. How can anyone possibly think this is even remotely good for anyone other than the shadowy groups who have wormed their way in. FFS media do your f'ing job
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Bishop has already proved himself to be incompetent and ill-informed on the tobacco issue.
Q &A this morning his research was woeful.
Leader of the house.
Wow not a promising start 😕
Bishop has already proved himself to be incompetent and ill-informed on the tobacco issue.
Q &A this morning his research was woeful.
Leader of the house.
Wow not a promising start 😕

Embarrassingly basically peddling Tabacco lobby rhetoric verbatim.

You would think perhaps National would be smart enough to realise the perception of having Bishop as a mouthpiece for this is damaging.

Seems even more absurd given they never campaigned on this.
Corrupt as f_ck. Our democracy bought and paid for by Big Tobacco, the NRA and the conspiracy theorists. How can anyone possibly think this is even remotely good for anyone other than the shadowy groups who have wormed their way in. FFS media do your f'ing job
View attachment 4594
This makes me laugh "the modeling on the previous Governments smoking law was speculative"
and the the clown goes on to speculate that the policy would have ment more crime.
You literally cannot make this shit up hahaha.
Why? Isn't mental health just health? Should be treated as an illness and be afforded all the support physical iiissues get. We don't have a Minister for diabetes or cardiac health which kill more people I would think.
And space I don't get at all, what's the point? Do we want to make money out of it or do we seriously think we are going to live on another planet?
Maybe there is a good reason for both, would be good if they explained that when they announced it.
Because mental health is different and it isn't at the stage where society treats it the same.

Diagnosis is much harder too. The types of people you need to be trained is different. The people who want to treat mental health is fewer as the job is much more difficult.

But yes, more money does need to be poured into it and more needs to be put into lower social economic areas and not just giving them a hand out but having solutions that will gradually raise everyone's standards.

Embarrassingly basically peddling Tabacco lobby rhetoric verbatim.

You would think perhaps National would be smart enough to realise the perception of having Bishop as a mouthpiece for this is damaging.

Seems even more absurd given they never campaigned on this.

Of course they never campaigned on it!
Plus, What has come out in the '100 day plan' is a sop to every redneck, priveleged farmer, and industry magnate (wherever they're from), and is a hua of objectives to set Maori back decades.
Maori have gained too much back to lose it again, or have it taken away by the pen.
Minister of education looks to be a joke too. Wants 80% of kids to be at standard by 2030 when they leave intermediate school. But she hasn't talked to principals at lower se areas and how to improve student outcomes.

Just another well off person with access to unlimited resources for her whanau and expects everyone to be able to do the same.
Because mental health is different and it isn't at the stage where society treats it the same.

Diagnosis is much harder too. The types of people you need to be trained is different. The people who want to treat mental health is fewer as the job is much more difficult.

But yes, more money does need to be poured into it and more needs to be put into lower social economic areas and not just giving them a hand out but having solutions that will gradually raise everyone's standards.
Don't agree that it's that different, certainly needs different training but so do many areas of medicine.

Yeah agree it all needs more $$ and in poorer areas, same as all health. But I wanna know what this ministers mandate is and what they will.be measured on.
I want to give the new team a chance but its hard to trust them given the smoking and gun discussions, so give us the details so we know if this is a good decision.
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