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Politics šŸ—³ļø NZ Politics

the "mom and pop" landlords - it's an investment. And yes I hate that term. If it's a business, tax the income. Tax the gains. Where else can you run a business constantly at a loss and still make huge amounts of money?

Plus - Luxon and a huge number of these politicians have rentals. Massive conflict of interest. RESIGN!!!!
It is a business being a landlord. You must comply with the RTA and tax laws and ignorance is no excuse.
Any business can claim overheads as a business cost for tax purposes and mortgage interest costs had been a claimable overhead until Labour changed the law. It is no different to buying a digger or ten diggers with a 10% deposit, hiring them out and claiming the interest costs on the loan as an overhead.
Yields on rental properties are usually less than bank deposits, so on the face of it they are a crap investment. However, they can be profitable if they are held long term and you get rental and capital growth. This is not certain and varies widely. The last 10 years would have been the best since the 80's.
First they came for the smokers and I kept quiet because I didnā€™t smoke.

Then they came for the cars and I kept quiet because I didnā€™t need to drive.

Then they came for my hamburgers and I kept quiet because I didnā€™t need to enjoy life..

Then they produced the facts that sex has a huge social cost and I realised this is heading to the universe 25 rat experiment and society is doomedā€¦
First they came for the journalists, and I kept quiet because it's Winston and he's quite entertaining -Wiz
It is a business being a landlord. You must comply with the RTA and tax laws and ignorance is no excuse.
Any business can claim overheads as a business cost for tax purposes and mortgage interest costs had been a claimable overhead until Labour changed the law. It is no different to buying a digger or ten diggers with a 10% deposit, hiring them out and claiming the interest costs on the loan as an overhead.
Yields on rental properties are usually less than bank deposits, so on the face of it they are a crap investment. However, they can be profitable if they are held long term and you get rental and capital growth. This is not certain and varies widely. The last 10 years would have been the best since the 80's.
It's a business - but a business geared to the detriment of society & basically ensures the wealthier just get wealthier.

And now we have the finance minister saying she was left with many nasty surprises in the books - but Act wanting (and the coalition likely to proceed with) back dating interest deductibility to April 2023 at a cost of $2.65b over 4 years and absolutely no guarantee any savings will be passed on to renters at all. Totally Ridiculous
It is a business being a landlord. You must comply with the RTA and tax laws and ignorance is no excuse.
Any business can claim overheads as a business cost for tax purposes and mortgage interest costs had been a claimable overhead until Labour changed the law. It is no different to buying a digger or ten diggers with a 10% deposit, hiring them out and claiming the interest costs on the loan as an overhead.
Yields on rental properties are usually less than bank deposits, so on the face of it they are a crap investment. However, they can be profitable if they are held long term and you get rental and capital growth. This is not certain and varies widely. The last 10 years would have been the best since the 80's.
Nobody lives in a digger though, residential housing is a business with a social contract. Mind you I've seen some Dunedin student flats where the tenants would be better off in a digger.
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It's a business - but a business geared to the detriment of society & basically ensures the wealthier just get wealthier.

And now we have the finance minister saying she was left with many nasty surprises in the books - but Act wanting (and the coalition likely to proceed with) back dating interest deductibility to April 2023 at a cost of $2.65b over 4 years and absolutely no guarantee any savings will be passed on to renters at all. Totally Ridiculous
The finance minister probably should have read the PREFU. They said they did, but clearly not if she is "finding surprises"
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First they came for the journalists, and I kept quiet because it's Winston and he's quite entertaining -Wiz
The journalist will do what they tried to do to Trump by highlighting how outraged they areā€¦ which just as with Trump, actually feeds his followers and makes him stronger!

They need to ignore him and stop giving him oxygen!

Ironically I feel sorry for old Winnie. The old man probably hasnā€™t been getting his afternoon naps lately.

Labour created the monster when Hitlercinda tried to ban everyone from the Wellington protest and trespassed him from parliament - totally outrageous political hit job that created a martyr thatā€™s now back for vengeance.

I laugh because the system ostracised many people at that time and those shafted people who got suppressed and made outcasts are the ones doing the crime, not bothering working when they could and disengaged from society. And now they have Winnie to give some utu!

What goes around comes around and even though I donā€™t agree with Winnieā€™s stance or the drop kicks that want civil disobedience I do find it entertaining in an ironic sort of dark humour way. Rage against the machine sort of stuffā€¦

Anyway, Winnie will huff and puff for a few weeks then disappear for the next 2 years before he reappears huffing and puffing about everything National did wrong šŸ¤£
The journalist will do what they tried to do to Trump by highlighting how outraged they areā€¦ which just as with Trump, actually feeds his followers and makes him stronger!

They need to ignore him and stop giving him oxygen!

Ironically I feel sorry for old Winnie. The old man probably hasnā€™t been getting his afternoon naps lately.

Labour created the monster when Hitlercinda tried to ban everyone from the Wellington protest and trespassed him from parliament - totally outrageous political hit job that created a martyr thatā€™s now back for vengeance.

I laugh because the system ostracised many people at that time and those shafted people who got suppressed and made outcasts are the ones doing the crime, not bothering working when they could and disengaged from society. And now they have Winnie to give some utu!

What goes around comes around and even though I donā€™t agree with Winnieā€™s stance or the drop kicks that want civil disobedience I do find it entertaining in an ironic sort of dark humour way. Rage against the machine sort of stuffā€¦

Anyway, Winnie will huff and puff for a few weeks then disappear for the next 2 years before he reappears huffing and puffing about everything National did wrong šŸ¤£
Try addressing the lies from Trump and Winnie.
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The journalist will do what they tried to do to Trump by highlighting how outraged they areā€¦ which just as with Trump, actually feeds his followers and makes him stronger!

They need to ignore him and stop giving him oxygen!

Ironically I feel sorry for old Winnie. The old man probably hasnā€™t been getting his afternoon naps lately.

Labour created the monster when Hitlercinda tried to ban everyone from the Wellington protest and trespassed him from parliament - totally outrageous political hit job that created a martyr thatā€™s now back for vengeance.

I laugh because the system ostracised many people at that time and those shafted people who got suppressed and made outcasts are the ones doing the crime, not bothering working when they could and disengaged from society. And now they have Winnie to give some utu!

What goes around comes around and even though I donā€™t agree with Winnieā€™s stance or the drop kicks that want civil disobedience I do find it entertaining in an ironic sort of dark humour way. Rage against the machine sort of stuffā€¦

Anyway, Winnie will huff and puff for a few weeks then disappear for the next 2 years before he reappears huffing and puffing about everything National did wrong šŸ¤£
Hitlercinda? There goes any credibility you might have had. It's beneath you.
Hitlercinda? There goes any credibility you might have had. It's beneath you.
Sorry - I was channeling a NZ first voter and really got into the swing of things šŸ¤£

Iā€™m not a NZ First voter and donā€™t really think like that - just a bit of hyperbole.

I forgot how uptight this thread is at the moment and should have address her as the Right Honourable Jacinda Ardern!
Sorry - I was channeling a NZ first voter and really got into the swing of things šŸ¤£

Iā€™m not a NZ First voter and donā€™t really think like that - just a bit of hyperbole.

I forgot how uptight this thread is at the moment and should have address her as the Right Honourable Jacinda Ardern!
Hypebole is a new word wiz learnt this week incase you haven't noticed. Clever boy.
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Just reading up and Winstonā€™s at it again today.

Itā€™s like a planned strategy, bringing in new elements every day and throwing so many accusations itā€™s hard to keep up or for the media to refute them all.

Classic Trump (and debating) strategy.

Today itā€™s the mediaā€™s fault for the lockdowns. Canā€™t see where heā€™s going with all this but I guess itā€™s worked for him in the past as the wily old fox has outlasted most journalists šŸ¤£
Can you please explain to me Wiz how a business man like you who's forever banging on about productivity how the fuck can you spend soo much time on this site. šŸ˜‰ šŸ˜œ
Mate, when your really successful you find you can buy more free time šŸ˜‰

You will notice I go in fits and bursts - sometimes Iā€™m working 7 days a week, other times Iā€™ve got plenty of time to be on here!

Ironically Iā€™m about to start work an 4pm today and will be working late tonight.
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