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Social 💪 Savage September

Thought id jump in. First weights work out 12 days after full left side hip replacement (I'm 48). Did it on a stool, actually not bad! Bit limited on what you can do, but banged out a solid 35 mins 💪
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A day off the terls did wonders for recovery.

So tonight was

Stretching. It's my nemesis

Crunches 10, 15, 20, 25, 20, 15, 10. The sets from 25 onward were harder. But that's how it's supposed to go. I needed two days off crunches lol.

Pilates. Ha I tried a Pilates press up and it was tragic so kept it to core and lower back.

Haven't mastered Pilates by a long shot so I'm trying to make gains where I can and see this as a keeper long term.
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Another 500 KB swings down.

I was aiming to retry with the 24KG as the original aim was to do the full month with that. Got a bit paranoid about my elbow/forearm joint as the 2nd-4th I was pretty much nursed them through.

Ended up mixing it up.

100 24 kg
200 24 kg
200 16 kg

I might mix it up the next few days and transition to the 20 kg which is what I used to do this challenge with. The 20kg is a good balance of getting quick explosive movements on the 10-15 rep sets and also manageable on the longer sets.

Might also go back down later to the 16kg to see the time improvement.
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Fuck man.
Feel I’ve hit a wall.
Posting to motivate myself to gym later 🚶🏻‍♂️
How about this, we're all going to die and everything is ultimately futile so what does it matter how much you punish yourself while you're alive? When you're dead you won't exist to remember the pain. So get out there and do it bro, push yourself harder than you ever have.
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