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Social 💪 Savage September

I had to go to bed earlier as my sleep was suffering too. 8:30pm - 5:30am seems to be the sweet spot at the moemnt


I’m in bed around midnight
Up around 6/7am

I find going to be early I’m up 4/5am with not much happening.. 🤷🏻‍♂️
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It’s wild checking sleep data. I’m doing the whole cool the bedroom, no caffeine, no late eating, 30mins of no phone time etc.

It’s all helping massively.
Nice. 18 degrees is good for me, 16 or 17 is even better. I got blackout curtains and white noise rain sounds machine also. Also having a shower a couple of hours at least before bed rather than just before. Lots of little things can make a big difference
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Self loathing makes me care less about my health, seeing the effects of lung cancer first hand hasn't worked either, I don't know what it'll take. First heart attack maybe.
I'm with you. I had a little episode with my heart and spent a few days in hospital. Here I was , Staring death in the eyes. And still sneaking out every hour for a ciggy 🤣 Smh....my papa died at the age of 92. Smoked all his life. Finally gave up at the age of 92, Then kicked the bucket!!? Wth? Smoking kills you. Apparently stopping the habit does too lol.
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Love it, I've used ocean tide sounds at times, can't say it gave me better sleep but it's quite soothing.
Yeah tried a few different sounds but none really did anything for me. Except for the rain one. Not sure if it's because I grew up in a house with a tin roof and it always sounded nice when it rained so this is a bit if a throw back to then. Also like sleeping in a tent camping and it rains.
I'm with you. I had a little episode with my heart and spent a few days in hospital. Here I was , Staring death in the eyes. And still sneaking out every hour for a ciggy 🤣 Smh....my papa died at the age of 92. Smoked all his life. Finally gave up at the age of 92, Then kicked the bucket!!? Wth? Smoking kills you. Apparently stopping the habit does too lol.
Feel you, my old man quit when he was 65, started having heart problems and his cardio specialist told him to start smoking again. He was cured and still going strong smoking like a chimney. Maybe sometimes it is too late to quit. In a tragic irony my mother never smoked in her life and died of lung cancer, such are the vagueries of fate.
I could sell my story to Big Tobacco so they can use it in Act Party propaganda
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