Social 💪 Savage September

Yeah tried a few different sounds but none really did anything for me. Except for the rain one. Not sure if it's because I grew up in a house with a tin roof and it always sounded nice when it rained so this is a bit if a throw back to then. Also like sleeping in a tent camping and it rains.
Sound of rain always relaxes me too.
Only been the last year or so I’ve prioritised sleep. Used to generally run on around 6 hours but found trying to get a solid 8 has made a bit of difference (usually 10:30-6:30ish). Problem I have is switching my mind off, have a few anxiety episodes from time to time that wakes me up around 4am but thankfully they tend to pass easier if late

It’s wild checking sleep data. I’m doing the whole cool the bedroom, no caffeine, no late eating, 30mins of no phone time etc.

It’s all helping massively.
Sleep is serious. Just like exercise you can do it well or poorly. Restlessness is an obstacle. I think I read a Jason Bourne story (fiction) where he was older and less fit and said "rest is a weapon"

Anyway I find my best sleeps are after stretching, hydrating right and eating early enough in the evening. But the most telling thing is to let everything on my plate wait until tomorrow. As in slow down my thoughts and worries etc. I learned to tell every unfinished job that this aisle is closed until 6.30am tomorrow. See you then.

But if you want me to be absolutely honest. My best sleeps happen after cathartic tension releases that involve my wonderful amazing spouse. And that part is the truest part I've typed here. And I sleep gloriously that way.
If anyone finds White noise too harsh then give Pink or Brown a try. I use a free app from Play Store called Relaxing Noise. I also slap on some orange lense glasses in the evening to help avoid blue light in preparation for sleep. Twilight is a good app to adjust your phone screen to a red hue as the evening progresses too
If anyone finds White noise too harsh then give Pink or Brown a try. I use a free app from Play Store called Relaxing Noise. I also slap on some orange lense glasses in the evening to help avoid blue light in preparation for sleep. Twilight is a good app to adjust your phone screen to a red hue as the evening progresses too
What colour noise is newstalkzb overnights with Jim
Another 500 KB swings down today. Got another minute off my time which was a suprise as motivation wasn't great.

Trying to keep count of the different sets can play tricks on my mind. So having it written down and crossing them off sort of helps the motivation. Instead of thinking well I could ease off today. Can see the checklist well I'm over halfway. So keep going.

Managed to get the groceries done after work, followed by my swings, just in time to make an egg white omelette ready to sit down and watch the spoon bowl.
On the sleep discussion that is one thing I liked to see when I was using my fitbit.

My wife would make me take it off before any marital activities. A shame as I wanted to see my heart rate levels.
Sound of rain always relaxes me too.
Only been the last year or so I’ve prioritised sleep. Used to generally run on around 6 hours but found trying to get a solid 8 has made a bit of difference (usually 10:30-6:30ish). Problem I have is switching my mind off, have a few anxiety episodes from time to time that wakes me up around 4am but thankfully they tend to pass easier if late
Switching off is easier when practise measuring how things are before and after you switch off. Did anyone die? Did the workload lose a massive contract or cause huge losses? Is the mortgage any better by being anxious? Anyway bro, stress and anxiety are old friends of mine so if you ever want a chat about how to manage them shoot me a message.
On sleeping, if you have a hard time sleeping and end up spending time on device or having anxious thoughts id recommend a sleep mask. I usually fall aaleep within a couple of mins listening to podcasts (usually true crime). Its a thing.

Few ppl ive recommended it to love it and it has totally changed their sleeping habits. But first things first - dont play with your devices in bed.
On sleeping, if you have a hard time sleeping and end up spending time on device or having anxious thoughts id recommend a sleep mask. I usually fall aaleep within a couple of mins listening to podcasts (usually true crime). Its a thing.

Few ppl ive recommended it to love it and it has totally changed their sleeping habits. But first things first - dont play with your devices in bed.
Getting tempted to go full Savage September on this sleep challenge. The orange glasses, the sleep mask, the fitbit, the dolphin and whale noises, I'm ready to give it 110%. Probably end up back on the couch though.
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Another 500 KB swings done. Managed to knock 5 minutes off yesterdays time.

Got them done early then did the lawns.

May try and squeeze in another session this afternoon or take the kids for a bike ride and I'll use that as active rest.
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