Said it before, they went all in this year, didn’t work out, too many injuries, style of play was worked out.
Need to take stock, the dumbest thing they could do is just lock the old guys into starting spots and say we got unlucky with injuries – we did – but these blokes is old – they’ll get injured again next year and you’ll be in the same place.
Either Shaun retires or its his time to become the supporting half – does anyone think he’d be good with that – so better for everyone he just rides off into the sunset.
Tohu on a minutes limit – literally only plays 40 minutes a game off the bench.
Capewell doesn’t look too bad now, he can hold his spot for one more year.
Roger has gotten to close the circle from leaving the club, spent another year based in Auckland, shown he’s still got it (but only at fullback) – you probably could talk him into Japanese rugby now, for the rest of the veteran contingent:
30 (age next season)
Barney – no worries there
Walker - probably leaving
CNK – still the starter, great to have Taine as backup.
Monty – final season, thank you for your service, may still be starting if Roger goes.
DWZ – think he might keep going for another year after next - we might find one good rookie winger – but two? Or they’d have to buy someone to replace him.
TMM – I guess you do metcalf-tmm as the combo. Kind of filling a spot until we can find an expensive half.
Egan – is reaching the “what is it that you do here?” stage of proceedings, can’t tackle without knocking himself out, does run but is slow and easily caught, no longer being sneaky around the middle. Shut him down for the year and give him the extra offseason to get himself sorted.
Niukore – they need to decide early in the offseason if its him or Ford that is the edge cover, then the other one plays only in the middle.
Bunty – doesn’t play much anyway.
Best 17 with no signings
5.Montoya (for time being)
8.JFH ©
11.Halasima (plenty of backup if he flops)
15.Harris (he can bring a passing game when he comes on)
Niukore (middle)
17.Ford (middle/edge)
That’s a decent team, a lot younger and less egos, with plenty of money to get upgrades.