He will thrive at Penrith for all the reasons you stated and people will take it out of context and claim this is why he we should have signed him.
This out of context crying after players goes back a long way and there are many examples, to frame it in a Penrith Context....
Joe Galuvao anyone? became a Penrith superstar and knocked us out of the finals.....Joe admits himself he had let himself go at the Warriors....then rubs it in one more time sinking us in the GF vs Manly.
I think your argument about preferring to be surrounded by better players who elevate his game equally applies to
Eliesa Katoa at the Storm.
Another guy who needs to be surrounded by better players to elevate his game, rather than digging in and becoming the next Anchor superstar of the Warriors.
Katoa and Papalii share a pedigree of being singled out by the Warriors as being the next thing....both were offered contract extensions, both were facing struggles, both walked out.
I think that should be the red flag of no return, i.e. if you have come from our juniors, been groomed for an age, struggled through the teething problems of difficult Warriors performances, and personal form slumps, if the club despite those things offers you an extension and you walk.....you are not Warriors material because even if you come back home a star, you will probably never dig in and stick in the underdog-verse that is the battlers of the NRL....the Warriors.
What the Warriors need to improve on though, where they are to blame in player retention, is to properly give a player like Sio Siua Taukeiáho an opportunity over other more vaunted names in their Junior ranks.
Taukei'aho is the opposite of Ice, and Katoa, he wanted to stay, he was let go because he was not given a shot till it was too late.
We should employ (or create) a 'profiler', an analyst to weed out the players who are likely walk out and turn away from a Warriors offer after millions of dollars of investment (this is after all behavioral science / phenomenology rather than quantitative science ).The Warriors employ sports Psychologists, perhaps it is time they employed a Forensic Psychologist (Serial Killer therapist of the FBI model that uses a lot of tools regular sports psychologists do not).
Excuse the big words folks, what I am talking about is revolutionary - so bear with me, these ideas you won't read anywhere else in sports..
If the FBI in Quantico Virginia can hunt down Serial killers who by their nature murder random victims, with no apparent pattern (no pattern before behavioral science became a thing) if some G man can predict you drive a dark blue vehicle, and have a wife and Children, that you have a stutter, that you will attend public events and inject yourself into the investigation....then Sports.....(prepare to be mind blown) like ours, could revolutionize recruitment and retention by running personality analysis on the very predictable, well studied, well patterned, behavior of the big dumb animal that is the sports jock.
Sorry I went on a sermon slash rant, but worlds collide, I worked with killers, the worst of the worst, and am a Warriors fan....people tend to blend their interests and come up with crazy big ideas when they are bored....
Discuss.....my premise is that the science already exists to analyse who will stay and thrive in this environment and who is looking for fame elsewhere. If the FBI can find killers who leave no evidence then an NRL club can make predictions about people that they have access to seven days a week for years right in front of them...should they apply forensic profiling.
Hey look, ignore the science and lets just acknowledge the intuition and read of NZWARRIORS fans after years of following the Warriors often times end up prophetic, lets acknowledge that there are patterns that all of us talk about in Warrior language, because we have seen them before, and they keep repeating.
Then consider what someone highly trained could make of the patterns in Warriors players personalities and patterns of behavior could predict from a recruitment and retention pov.
Certainly an expert would not encourage chasing after people that fundamentally do not care for your brand....those are simple metrics to determine using the science of phenomenology which is not blinded by maths and stats.
Any mans personality profile will predict what his likely responses are in given situations, perhaps we need to get ahead of that already well established body of science and use it to our advantage before it becomes a thing anywhere else in world sports.
As it stands all professional sports teams employ a Psychologist, however their purview is to therapize the athlete and help them maintain emotional regulation.
My idea is that professional sports clubs could profit from getting ahead of that curve and use their shrinks to analyse personality types for the purpose of predictive forecasting of who is likely to stay versus those more inclined to use us as a spring board (profiling people is real, it is a science, as yet to be explored in sports).