General NSW Cup 2025

I didn't see the whole game but MGT looks like the best back in NSW cup, I think he should be next winger up and maybe considered for centre. Way better than Harper on both offence and defence. He's more of an attacking centre, good nose for the line.
Laban looked good, seemed Bunty is looking fresher too.
I love the thought of Crosby, but on the edge like suggested above. Crosby is a high IQ player I think, can run good lines and has great pace. It seems his biggest issue is that he has a lot of fast twitch muscle, and lacks a bit of endurance. Best to be on an edge I think, but I'm not a coach.
TMM is our best playmaking half, get him into the topside, not perfect but creates space and puts players into holes regularly, even when he's a little off.
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