Without even reading it I can tell you the Mother suffers from munchausens by proxy syndrome.
Absolutely text book the attention seeking by intentional harm to the child through medical illness. We know a lot about this disorder.
It predates social media and the phenomenon of 'influencers' the internet and social media is merely a tool for expression of a disorder which will be expressed in one form or another with or without the internet.
I can't comment on how Aussie rolls, but here she would be sent by a Judge to a forensic unit for the criminally insane for assessment. OrangaTamariki would uplift all children and place them in some form of care, first preference would be to remain within the family, placed with siblings of the mother or grandparents.
Failing that they go into state care while the Mother is interviewed by criminal psychologists and Forensic psychiatrists.
They will scan all medical records looking for a pattern of sudden unexplained illnesses, and will see who reported them (likely the mother).
Once the diagnosis of Maunchousen by proxy is made, the parent is not allowed unsupervised access to children for the rest of their lived, for obvious reasons, it is an illness that kills children.