Social ðŸ¦¹ Crime.

Without even reading it I can tell you the Mother suffers from munchausens by proxy syndrome.

Absolutely text book the attention seeking by intentional harm to the child through medical illness. We know a lot about this disorder.

It predates social media and the phenomenon of 'influencers' the internet and social media is merely a tool for expression of a disorder which will be expressed in one form or another with or without the internet.

I can't comment on how Aussie rolls, but here she would be sent by a Judge to a forensic unit for the criminally insane for assessment. OrangaTamariki would uplift all children and place them in some form of care, first preference would be to remain within the family, placed with siblings of the mother or grandparents.

Failing that they go into state care while the Mother is interviewed by criminal psychologists and Forensic psychiatrists.

They will scan all medical records looking for a pattern of sudden unexplained illnesses, and will see who reported them (likely the mother).

Once the diagnosis of Maunchousen by proxy is made, the parent is not allowed unsupervised access to children for the rest of their lived, for obvious reasons, it is an illness that kills children.
Really sad watching the innocence of children evaporating over time. I watched in horror when kids were being used as suicide bombers and the tragic scenes in Palestine with kids slaughtered. Was glad to see one of them who killed Nia Glassie denied parole. As tragic as his upbringing potentially could have been for all I know, you know the difference between what’s wrong to the extent of putting a child in the dryer. Poor kid was tortured

Really sad watching the innocence of children evaporating over time. I watched in horror when kids were being used as suicide bombers and the tragic scenes in Palestine with kids slaughtered. Was glad to see one of them who killed Nia Glassie denied parole. As tragic as his upbringing potentially could have been for all I know, you know the difference between what’s wrong to the extent of putting a child in the dryer. Poor kid was tortured
So those examples relate to criminality rather than illness. The age old debate in Psychiatry of mad vs bad. The bad being what you describe In these examples, having no relationship to illness. There is no pill or treatment for those evils, nor is there a treatment.
So those examples relate to criminality rather than illness. The age old debate in Psychiatry of mad vs bad. The bad being what you describe In these examples, having no relationship to illness. There is no pill or treatment for those evils, nor is there a treatment.
Where does pedophilia sit in that? Mad or bad? Those examples I gave fall into the mad category as you mentioned, but what about the horrors from the catholic church over time, those that money can buy the horrific deeds done to child,
So those examples relate to criminality rather than illness. The age old debate in Psychiatry of mad vs bad. The bad being what you describe In these examples, having no relationship to illness. There is no pill or treatment for those evils, nor is there a treatment.
100% MBP is up there with the craziest of the crazies. Plus they are seemingly normal in most other aspects.
We focus on violent offending and rightly so. However, there are other upstanding successful looking pieces of shit out there and one outfit that comes to mind is the Du Val Group. This couple have successfully ripped off numerous investors. tradies and taxpayers among others and are still roaming free and claiming hardship. I bet they manage to hide significant funds after being bankrupted and given some sort of community based sentence and a good telling off.
Finally this filthy Rock Spider is named.

Pretty rich for act to say it’s not a day for politics, but for the victims to celebrate. They say how could they have known? But since 1999 there’s been a shadow over this guy. Just like the situation that NZ taxpayers are lumped with of the abuse in state care and nobody listening to the victims
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