Politics ðŸ¤¡ Donald Trump


Nothing in that report his orange mouth hasn't been on the record saying every chance he gets.
He's a narcissist of the highest order, likes his name repeated, and on everything, around the world.
Thinks it makes him the greatest ever.
His understanding of anything doesn't go beyond that.
He read the political room pretty well and strolled to victory.
The majority of Americans think he is better than the alternative even with his personality.
I think he is smarter than you give him credit for.
REmember 2 thubgs, his propensity to say outrageous stuff off the cuff. Also msm determination to put anything about him in the worst possible light.
He read the political room pretty well and strolled to victory.
The majority of Americans think he is better than the alternative even with his personality.
I think he is smarter than you give him credit for.
To be honest, I think he also got lucky with the trend of incumbent governments being voted out as voters seek change post Covid and the current financial landscape.
Partly but he’s a lucky man to get in twice if he’s not actually what the people want.
I think the want for change contributed but obviously wasn't the whole reason for him being voted back in. The incumbent governments have been voted out in the majority of western democracies. Both options were bad, but he was the change people are after.
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He read the political room pretty well and strolled to victory.
The majority of Americans think he is better than the alternative even with his personality.
I think he is smarter than you give him credit for.
Hardly strolled in, only 2/3 of eligible voters voted & he did marginally better than the numbers voting democratic. The third that didn't bother to vote are like Nero fiddling while Rome burned.
Depends how you define smart. But concede he rallied the braindead and the greedy to scrape in.
Depends how you define smart. But concede he rallied the braindead and the greedy to scrape in.
Shows a lot of ignorance. If you are right America is full of brain dead and ignorant people. Seems strange when they struggle to control immigration.
I think people are clearly wanting Less globalisation; less immigration; less multicuturalism; more focus on our own people.

We don’t debate these issues. Most politicians won’t listen the world over. Trump does.
And who is "your people"?
Kiwis mate, New Zealanders, Aotearoans.

The ones paying all the taxes while profits go offshore; watching mass immigration as our health and education system crumble; the ones who’s kids are flunking school because the teacher burns out with half a class that can’t speak English. Watching our jobs go overseas. Watch as we build more houses but get a growing housing crisis.

NZers First. Up the Wahs!
Kiwis mate, New Zealanders, Aotearoans.

The ones paying all the taxes while profits go offshore; watching mass immigration as our health and education system crumble; the ones who’s kids are flunking school because the teacher burns out with half a class that can’t speak English. Watching our jobs go overseas. Watch as we build more houses but get a growing housing crisis.

NZers First. Up the Wahs!
Sort of with you Wiz. But being a 5 eyes nation our fates are all entwined with that fuckup of a country called the USA.
Globalisation sucks. Poorly managed immigration sucks. But it's been a trend in Western countries for the last 40 years.
People really need to start voting for independents and minor parties to increase the voices beyond the left/right red/blue government's we seem to have in British Australian American Canadian NZ countries.
Sort of with you Wiz. But being a 5 eyes nation our fates are all entwined with that fuckup of a country called the USA.
Globalisation sucks. Poorly managed immigration sucks. But it's been a trend in Western countries for the last 40 years.
People really need to start voting for independents and minor parties to increase the voices beyond the left/right red/blue government's we seem to have in British Australian American Canadian NZ countries.
We'll never escape the neolib uniparty system in the anglosphere, and if we do it could be replaced by something worse, CCP style totalitarianism maybe, who knows.
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