Politics đź¤ˇ Donald Trump


I think there’s a large distrust in the establishment and that they’re doing good by us. I reckon that’s a part of it
That mistrust is harnessed for other political agendas
Would be a different story without the safety that things like vaccines have provided though. I mean it's a lot easier to take that standpoint without some of these diseases being a threat now. How distrusting would they be if some of these diseases were still wrecking havoc
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Would be a different story without the safety that things like vaccines gave provided though. I mean it's a lot easier to take that standpoint without some of these diseases being a threat now. How distrusting would they be if some of these diseases were still wrecking havoc
Well I suppose no one would listen to the antivaxx grifters so they wouldn't use that psyop tool
I think there’s a large distrust in the establishment and that they’re doing good by us. I reckon that’s a part of it
Nah mate, deep down we really trust the authorities.

Unless it’s the moon landing, earth being flat, aliens being real, who shot jfk, why Monroe’s body was missing for 6 hours or if climate change is really happening… 🤔

Actually maybe your right and humans have a natural inclination to not believe much of anything!
Would be a different story without the safety that things like vaccines gave provided though. I mean it's a lot easier to take that standpoint without some of these diseases being a threat now. How distrusting would they be if some of these diseases were still wrecking havoc
I mean its mostly cause we live in a post vaccine world, like we forget how horrible these diseases are.

On top of everything our current neoliberal capitalist order has purposely eroded trust in institutions in an attempt to make the individual the final and sole focus. Better for their bottom line but when a situation (like a virus) that required group efforts to curtail comes we are highly atomised thinking that individual things are the actual solution.
Would be a different story without the safety that things like vaccines gave provided though. I mean it's a lot easier to take that standpoint without some of these diseases being a threat now. How distrusting would they be if some of these diseases were still wrecking havoc
It’s like covid gave all the vaccine deniers all the belief they needed that vaccines were bad, citing all sorts of reasons like the speed of it’s development or even to the point of people suggesting magnetic side effects. My ex wife’s a nurse and she cracks up at the amount of young people embarking on travel to certain countries and cursing their parents for not getting them a particular vaccine early in life free and having to pay later on
Nah mate, deep down we really trust the authorities.

Unless it’s the moon landing, earth being flat, aliens being real, who shot jfk, why Monroe’s body was missing for 6 hours or if climate change is really happening… 🤔

Actually maybe your right and humans have a natural inclination to not believe much of anything!
Nothing wrong with scepticism, but when proof arises like the eradication of viruses, that speaks for itself
On top of everything our current neoliberal capitalist order has purposely eroded trust
Hasn’t democracy eroded trust in itself?

Look at the propoganda campaigns on both sides between Trump and Harris.

Smear and misinformation campaigns where how you structure a sentence can be the difference between a technical truth and a lie.
Hasn’t democracy eroded trust in itself?

Look at the propoganda campaigns on both sides between Trump and Harris.

Smear and misinformation campaigns where how you structure a sentence can be the difference between a technical truth and a lie.
Feel like that sort of encapsulates a lawyer to a degree the last paragraph. The truth is still out there but it seems more important than ever to trust your news source
Feel like that sort of encapsulates a lawyer to a degree the last paragraph. The truth is still out there but it seems more important than ever to trust your news source
Not sure if the truth is available for public consumption, it's classified or omerta'd. If they told you they'd have to kill you.
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Hasn’t democracy eroded trust in itself?

Look at the propoganda campaigns on both sides between Trump and Harris.

Smear and misinformation campaigns where how you structure a sentence can be the difference between a technical truth and a lie.

I think the erosion comes entirely from the fact that there feels like no difference. Ever since the left wings parties global shift to the right it feels like they economically are the same with small social issue differences.

If you’re an average worker and no matter which party is in things get more expensive and wages don’t grow to keep up it makes total sense to assess the situation as democracy has failed you.

Thats where people like Trump can come in and direct that, even if realistically things are gonna stay business as usual under him
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🤣 no, I'm just pointing out your double standards
I am not advocating for any ban on vaccines or water. All I am saying is that the way things have evolved in the US means that the people making the vaccines want to make the most $$ they can (fair enough they are beholden by shareholders), I would say that's their number one goal and the number one goal of most companies; that goal is not aligned with the best outcome for society. So the government needs to regulate the way things are developed, tested, rolled out etc. But because of the way lobbyists and campaign donations work the people elected are beholden to the companies they need to regulate.

So in my opinion the Government needs to work out how to keep the two separate, you will never get all of the corruption out but you can make it a lot better than now, I don't understand why that's so hard to understand?

I also think a lot of people's thinking around this issue has been coloured by the experience you had in COVID. I followed government advice and got all my vaccines and boosters, I wasn't so worried about what others did thats their choice. I knew there was a risk with that because the vaccine was rolled out faster than normal and there were all different vaccines but there was an unknown factor around COVID where were told it was a lot worse than it was. I still got sicker than I have ever been with COVID. If it happened again I would be hesitant to take a rushed vaccine.
That doesn't mean I am anti vaccines, it just means I would take a more cautious approach.
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