Politics ðŸ¤¡ Donald Trump



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The problem is that he conflates two (or more) issues and makes it even more divisive and neither get resolved.

1. Adults should be able to choose to be whatever they want as long as nobody gets hurt - LGBT... i dont care what you want to be, no victim no crime.

2. In general Kids shouldn't be able to make critical decisions and change their bodies with operations, drugs etc - these things are permanent and profound, they shouldnt even be under any pressure to change, they should be able to be who they are and understand once they are old enough if they want to make changes they can.

Obviously booth only my opinions but the Orange one is just taking the 2nd one and saying it all bundled together and its all bad by using references in a made up book written for political gain.


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He read one book, you know, it was a big book. Probably the biggest book, i don't know, it looked like a big book, it could have been the biggest book ever read. It was great, really great, the greatest biggest book ever. Huge.
Didn't his ex wife say he was in the habit of reading Hitler's speeches before bed?
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