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Politics 🤡 Donald Trump

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Secret service trying to shield him get him away and he’s bursting from their grasp pumping his fist in the air creating a target for himself.

Going to be iconic photos but not the brightest thing to do while someone’s trying to shoot you 🤣
Thats not what happened.
  • shots heard
  • Trump ducks
  • secret service reacts shielding trump
  • secret service remain in place for over a minute
There are very different protocols for principal protection, immediately fleeing isn't always the primary choice.
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After a shooting at former President Donald Trump’s campaign rally, multiple GOP lawmakers and commentators shared recent comments by President Joe Biden about putting his opponent “in a bullseye.”

Trump encapsulates America perfectly. Fake, retarded, nonexistent wealth & obsessed with image. Hes perfect for them. And TBH, the world didnt end last time he was president...
He wasn't such a looney last time. But I think he will go bananas if he makes it again. He will look at pardoning all the Jan 6th people first, then he'll look at becoming a dictator. I don't know if it's possible but the support he has, they are all nutters and will take up arms to support him.
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