Politics 🤡 Donald Trump

Why do all your posts posted as facts have so many holes?

You should try fact checking your conspiracy theories before posting.
This says something different.
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All of them. I suppose they have to vet them, can't have terrorists in the army, and yes the head of the FBI has said they have let terrorists in as well, backed up by the ag of the DOJ in congress today
Most of the thousands of terrorists in the US military are white supremacists and nut jobs like Timothy McVeigh.

As soon as you take away their authority figures and put them in Civvy street they form militias and go around intimidating innocent ethnics coz they got AR15s for balls and no loyalty to their country.
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How do you fix all of politics and get them working for the people again and not their own and corporations interests?
What do you think about this conspiracy, Koch brothers, John Birch Society, Atlas, are you worried about it?

This says something different.
One is a factchecker article. The other? Look at the domain lol. And then at its sources - posts on Twitter? Gummon....
Posting (and believing) social media sources is why people go down conspiracy rabbitholes. They need to be more discerning and read a variety of sources using commonsense.
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The truth has been a victim of all politics in all countries the last 10 years.

Facts can support any argument and it’s logical to want build to a case supporting your views. And so easy to do. Hence the rise of PR.

Comes at a cost of credibility for politicians and the media though… but it works.

When our population is slowly dumbing down (dominated by short term shock factor), I worry for the future.
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What do you think about this conspiracy, Koch brothers, John Birch Society, Atlas, are you worried about it?

Propaganda and spin war out there from all sides. Control the narrative and control the people.

Hard to know what’s real anymore. We believe whatever confirms our biases and disregard anything that contradicts that.

We’re all living in our own rabbit hole getting worked up about what we’re told the ‘dark side’ is up to 🤷‍♂️

I’ve decided it’s better to let the elites duke it out and like a nobody medieval Roman, watch the gladiators smash each other for mindless entertainment. Go the Warriors!
Propaganda and spin war out there from all sides. Control the narrative and control the people.

Hard to know what’s real anymore. We believe whatever confirms our biases and disregard anything that contradicts that.

We’re all living in our own rabbit hole getting worked up about what we’re told the ‘dark side’ is up to 🤷‍♂️
To quote the great sage Bruce, party politics is just narcissistic psychopaths fighting for power, regardless of their colours. Miss that wise old cunt.
I’ve decided it’s better to let the elites duke it out and like a nobody medieval Roman, watch the gladiators smash each other for mindless entertainment. Go the Warriors!
Nice idea, but unfortunately what we see in reality is the CIA v Putin fighting over the east Ukraine gas fields and the plebs are cannon fodder for the meat grinder. Won't see any elites and oligarchs in the Donbass trenches.
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Nice idea, but unfortunately what we see in reality is the CIA v Putin fighting over the east Ukraine gas fields and the plebs are cannon fodder for the meat grinder. Won't see any elites and oligarchs in the Donbass trenches.
Meh… I can’t do much about the CIA or Putin. Or National/ Labour / Trump, etc. or Israel and Palestine. They can sort out their own issues.

Unfortunately I think many are feeling the same. Sick of narcissistic psychopaths fighting it out for control. Hence people not voting, ignoring the census and the rise of sovereign citizens and extremist radicals.

Society is slowly crumbling as the average citizen is used as a pawn.

Anyway, back to the colosseum on the tv to keep us entertained and distracted.
Meh… I can’t do much about the CIA or Putin. Or National/ Labour / Trump, etc. or Israel and Palestine. They can sort out their own issues.

Unfortunately I think many are feeling the same. Sick of narcissistic psychopaths fighting it out for control. Hence people not voting, ignoring the census and the rise of sovereign citizens and extremist radicals.

Society is slowly crumbling as the average citizen is used as a pawn.

Anyway, back to the colosseum on the tv to keep us entertained and distracted.
We'd go nuts without our bread and circuses. Might even turn on our evil overlords. Anyway, up the wahs!
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I'm absolutely dumbfounded this guy is even in consideration for president, and not just locked up for all of his crimes. And he is a criminal. A conman. A bully and a grifter. Forgot to add fascist authoritarian too.

I'm absolutely dumbfounded this guy is even in consideration for president, and not just locked up for all of his crimes. And he is a criminal. A conman. A bully and a grifter. Forgot to add fascist authoritarian too.

Despite the polls I cannot believe after the insurrection that he could compete in an election.

Masses of republican voters claimed that was the last straw for them.

As for his sentencing, as a first time offender and an old duffer he will not get jailed.

Had he been convicted in one of his other cases already then yes, he could have got prison this time around for election interference.